Depending on the restaurant's preferences, the console could show you nutritional information, ingredients lists and photographs.
Nutritional information: Dipping fast.
Have you ever taken a look at the nutritional information printed on a can of Mountain Dew?
The experts believe they are putting the best nutritional information out there for people to use.
In addition to listing ingredients, food is required to have nutritional information labeling.
Imports and distributes rice. Provides company profile, nutritional information and a members' area.
Beginning on January 1st, 2013, all packaged food must include the product's nutritional information on the label.
China's Ministry of Health has announced standardized guidelines for nutritional information labels on packaged food.
Stuff calorie counts, just give me cake! Why putting nutritional information on the menu won't stop us eating fattening foods
Meanwhile, the recipes are a closely guarded secret - and I don't notice any leaflets with nutritional information in the store.
With so much conflicting nutritional information about, it can be difficult to tell which weight-loss strategies really work.
Be as accurate as possible, measuring when you need to or looking up nutritional information for restaurants, if you eat out.
Stuff calorie counts, just give me cake! Why putting nutritional information on the menu won't stop us eating fattening foods.
Alpha can also give you nutritional information, but we weren't able to figure out how to scale this data to different weights.
If you frequently eat out at fast food restaurants, you should consider the nutritional information they now provide to make good choice.
Thee survey also found only 233 out of 387 children's food choices had complete nutritional information to allow comparison of salt contents.
And in foods labeled "sugar free" or "no added sugar," the precise sugar alcohol count must be listed separately under the nutritional information.
Researchers quizzed customers before and after a law was passed in New York in 2008 forcing restaurants to display the nutritional information.
Just one third of the sample in Thailand, for example, managed to provide adequate nutritional information on their packaging or list ingredients.
Now some large companies are trying to better define such terms to create something like the environmental equivalent of standard nutritional information.
Under the ruling, chain restaurants with at least 20 locations, as well as vending machines, would be required to display nutritional information prominently.
Background: the development of a standardized, evidence-based system that simplifies complex nutritional information for the consumer is urgently needed.
Dr Blewett also called for clearer labelling to identify foods containing Australian ingredients and said nutritional information should be displayed in fast-food outlets.
Details: The ultimate cooks collection of delicious step-by-step recipes shown in over 1000 photographs, with cooks tips, variations and full nutritional information.
Some measures to curb obesity include making healthier meals available in schools, putting nutritional information on food packages and menus, and banning trans fats, he said.
Since the world has become more interested in knowing what's in our food, many menus now also show nutritional information. This information tells you what's in your food.
Other projects are targeted at retail Settings where a person could scan a grocery store item and get nutritional information or display electronics store items on a counter.
You still might need to give them time to accept your new diet. Read vegetarian cookbooks or nutritional information with your parents and offer to help with the shopping and cooking.
You still might need to give them time to accept your new diet. Read vegetarian cookbooks or nutritional information with your parents and offer to help with the shopping and cooking.