The nutritional quality of the soya bean is superior to that of other pulses.
And there aren't any differences in nutritional quality, flavor, or cooking characteristics.
Preparing of two new biochemical products with health care and its nutritional quality were reported.
With the improvement of people's living standard, it has more requirements for the nutritional quality of oil.
Soybean storage protein is an important component of soybeans, which can affect nutritional quality of soybean.
While the benefits are numerous, processing can also be detrimental, affecting the nutritional quality of foods.
Evo cat food is closer than other commercial dry cat foods in matching the nutritional quality of a raw food diet.
Starch's unique chemical and physical characteristics and nutritional quality set it apart from all other carbohydrates.
Innova Evo cat food is closer than other commercial dry cat foods in matching the nutritional quality of a raw food diet.
Potassium fertilizer can increase the content of amino acid in the tumorous stem mustard, and improve nutritional quality of it.
The growing interest of consumers in the safety and nutritional quality of the typical North American diet is a welcome development.
There is no evidence that food irradiation is harmful to consumers, and also no evidence that it affects the nutritional quality of food.
Trying to sum up overall nutritional quality by looking only at a short list of negative considerations is silly to the point of … ugly.
People gradually pay more attention to the nutritional quality and healthy functions of vegetables with the increase of living standard.
Five major kinds of shaddocks in Fujian were chosen as materials to study their nutritional quality, processing quality and health-caring quality.
Frequently, crop plants do not take up adequate amounts of iron from the soil, leading to chlorosis, poor yield and decreased nutritional quality.
Wheat is the word's important food crop, and improving the nutritional quality of wheat is an important objective in wheat molecular breeding programs.
Recent progress in the genetic diversity of the nutrient compositions and the improvement of nutritional quality of rice were summarized in this paper.
It found they had "a higher polyphenol content at harvest" and concluded that organic production had "positive effects…on nutritional quality and taste".
This paper briefly compared the nutritive components and nutritional quality in the muscle of Penaeus stylirostris and Penaeus vannamei in the cultured-pond.
Pot experiments were conducted with maize and soybean as test crops to study the effects of application of Se, Zn, fe on crop yields and nutritional quality.
We conclude that 16 QTLs for nutritional quality traits will provide useful information for molecular assistant selection (MAS) in maize genetic improvement.
This paper compares nutritional quality between enriched soybean hydrolytic protein and enriched enzymolysis protein by mean of chemical and biological methods.
But in many cases consumers are misled if they believe organic foods can maintain health and provide better nutritional quality than conventionally grown foods.
But it is for that very reason that they should NOT be the ones to decide how to highlight nutritional quality — because they will inevitably accentuate the positive.
Such evidence of the link between nutritional quality measurement and health outcomes has been published — but the IOM report, quite surprisingly, ignores the issue entirely.
Such evidence of the link between nutritional quality measurement and health outcomes has been published — but the IOM report, quite surprisingly, ignores the issue entirely.