One reason may be breakfast's nutritional value—partly because cereal is fortified with vitamins.
I read a study that showed how light can give milk a funny flavor and decrease its nutritional value.
Some trees have higher nutritional value than others, and some are better for building material, and some are good for both.
Wheeler said that scientists have not yet studied the yam's nutritional value to see what benefits the plant offers as a food crop.
Does Cooking Affect the Nutritional Value of Vegetables?
Fermented yeast not only brings better taste but also more nutritional value.
Knowing something about food and nutritional value that different foods have.
Are you against increased yields for farmers or foods with enhanced nutritional value?
For most consumers, a foodstuff's nutritional value is not the main reason for buying it.
Egg shell: Egg shell has little nutritional value. It is just a build up of a calcium compound.
Thus, although rich in soy nutrition, but the higher the nutritional value of bean sprouts.
"We don't really care, our friends don't care, and shark fin has no nutritional value anyway," she said.
The system is designed to keep consumers from being misled as to the product’s overall nutritional value.
建立这一制度的目的是防止在食品的总体营养价值上误导消费者。 世界卫生组织也正在这一领域开展工作,希望制定供许多国家采用的国际营养素标准。
Spinach is very high nutritional value, so we should eat more spinach, and this can only tall, strong look.
Of the 240 + species of Aloe, only four are recognized as being of nutritional value to humans and animals.
This destroys Salmonella, but it does not cook the eggs or affect their color, flavor, nutritional value, or use.
Its meat was sauce red, bright color, rotten but not greasy, high nutritional value, and also help digestion.
Many soups are very healthy, but the cooking process can diminish some of the ingredients' nutritional value.
The nutritional value of Rosa chinensu was high and had a great potentiality to be developed as a edible flower.
The color of food can indicate not only to its nutritional value, but also its effect upon the regulation of moods.
True or False: White vegetables offer little nutritional value; only brightly colored vegetables are nutrient powerhouses.
判断题:白色蔬菜(White vegetables)没什么营养价值,只有那些颜色鲜艳的蔬菜才富含营养。
He added: "the use of a traffic light system to indicate the nutritional value of supermarket produce is now well-established."
And though canned and dried foods that are past their prime usually aren't a threat, they will lose nutritional value over time.
Thermal containers, which can keep food warm for a few hours, are recommended to avoid losing nutritional value in the microwave.
But a survey of some of the lowest earners in Britain shows the nutritional value of what they eat is little different to everyone else.
Thus, if the Aloe Vera is grown on company OWNED and CONTROLLED fields, you can be better assured of freshness and nutritional value.
And many of these dishes are so called medicinal dishes believed to have extraordinary nutritional value, including Shark Fin, Swallow Nest.
Many people gain weight by drinking far too much soda. Soda should be treated seriously; there's simply no nutritional value in it whatsoever.
Many people gain weight by drinking far too much soda. Soda should be treated seriously; there's simply no nutritional value in it whatsoever.