A backpack sends O2 in to let astronauts breathe normally.
It takes about 7 to 8 trees to make enough O2 for one person to breathe for a year.
Arsenal's shirts are now sponsored by O2.
The catalyst then knits pairs of oxygens together to make O2.
In the UK the iPhone is only available on the O2 network on a monthly contract.
O2's only current Windows Phone 7 handset could be the best for the platform yet.
Unlike other incumbents, BT has no mobile arm, having spun off O2 to reduce its debts.
However, O2 dismissed the report, saying that it had benefited from the 'iPhone effect'.
In Moscow, the family spent an entire evening together relaxing in the city's plush O2 lounge.
Explore the history of British popular music at this interactive museum at The O2 in London.
An O2 spokesman wouldn't confirm any more details about the contracts, such as their duration.
Let us take a look at Di's structure, they were mostly "D-mode", but still has O2 as its basis.
Michael Jackson's 50-night run at London's O2 arena was to have set a new course for the entertainer.
This is why most code is compiled with -o or -o2 and specialized code being compiled at higher optimization levels.
On the train back up to Manchester later in the day, Ferdinand tweeted his excitement at spending the day at the O2.
O2, for most users, will provide the best value — with fewer hotspots but more genuinely unlimited Wi-Fi access to them.
A survey last year by O2, a mobile-phone operator, found that some 17% of Britain’s small businesses were using Twitter.
It wasn't until about a billion years ago that the atmosphere got another hit of O2, bringing us to the air we breathe today.
The functions of red cells include transportation of O2 to different cells of the body, simultaneously bringing CO2 into the lungs.
红细胞的功能包括运输o 2到身体不同细胞中,同时带回CO2到肺。
The 50-year-old revealed his plans on a makeshift stage at the 20,000-capacity O2 Arena where he will play 10 dates starting on July 8.
已经50岁的他表示,这次演出将在7月8日举办,共10场,场地临时定为能容纳2万人的O2 Arena。
Superoxide dismutase (SOD), by rapidly removing O2 -, reduces the tissue concentration of O2 - and prevents the production of HO. and ONOO -.
过氧化物岐化酶(SOD)迅速夺走o2-,从而使组织中的O2 -浓度降低,而阻止HO和ONOO -的产生。
A spokesman for O2 said the company is not planning to offer disgruntled users a better deal in order to convince them not to cancel their contract.
The warp-speed sales of the tickets to his O2 shows indicated that despite the scandals and the absence of new hits, he was still beloved by his fans.
Coincidentally, UK mobile operator O2 said Monday that it has forged an agreement with Twitter allowing users to receive free SMS alerts from Twitter.
巧合的是,在这个周一,英国移动运营商O2宣布,他们已经与Twitter达成协议,允许用户免费接收t witter的短信提醒。
The deal creates Britain’s biggest wireless operator, with a combined 37% of the market for subscribers, vaulting ahead of Telefónica’s O2 and Vodafone.
They show Jackson on stage at the Staples Centre, in Los Angeles, where he was preparing for his sell-out concerts at the O2 Arena in London this summer.
剧照上,杰克逊站在洛杉矶的斯戴普斯中心(The Staples Center)的舞台上,为他将于今年夏天在伦敦O2 Arena剧场的演唱会紧张排练着,演唱会的门票早已销售一空。
Manufacturers including HTC, LG and Samsung have, however, signed up, while Vodafone, O2, T-Mobile and Orange are all likely to sell the devices in the UK.
不过包括HTCLG和三星在内的手机制造商已经签约使用此系统。而沃达丰O2 T-Mobile和Orange几家公司则将在英国承销这款系统。
Recessive allelic variations were investigated at 3 microsatellite (SSR) sites within the o2 gene by using 14 inbred o2 lines and a wild-type line in maize.
Recessive allelic variations were investigated at 3 microsatellite (SSR) sites within the o2 gene by using 14 inbred o2 lines and a wild-type line in maize.