Especially, in the Chinese mind, "the good child" is a child who is obedient and sensible.
One day he took the Mongolian horse out for a ride. But that horse wasn't very obedient and he broke Sai Wong's son's leg.
As a result, the cultural industrialization gradually makes common awareness take an obedient and non - critical attitude to the reality.
He was a very obedient and very kind boy and he worked for the Lord well unlike Eli’s two sons who were selfish and dishonest. They also treated the worship of God with disrespect.
From now on, I'll be different and I'll try to become a most obedient boy.
If you're obedient to your faith, it's a safe bet that compassion is absent from your life. You probably don't even know what real compassion feels like.
With her, they'd receive a dowry, they'd continue the family line, and they'd get an obedient daughter-in-law to serve them around the house.
The Young Amelia had a very active crew, very obedient to their captain, who lost as little time as possible.
The farm itself is like a microcosm of the country as a whole: a place where people work on the land, earn low but stable wages, and are largely respectful - and obedient - to those in authority.
The number of disciples in Jerusalem increased rapidly, and a large number of priests became obedient to the faith.
At home, she became obedient to her mother and did a lot of housework for her.
We do know that Joseph was a very wise and obedient son even at just 17 years of age.
A few years ago, I realized that the design of much of our education system primarily trains students to become obedient, compliant workers.
Education should be a true learning process, not a machine for churning out meek, obedient people incapable of reasoning why justice and liberty should not be the birthright of all human beings.
Zhao is a perfect son in his parents' eyes: kind, smart, hardworking and obedient.
If the mother to have two children, have a higher risk than life, stupid, naughty, poor grades, do not love learning, not obedient people how to do that, that's not Bai Sheng, might as well not born.
He is a troublesome child; he is not obedient to his parents.
I received a rolling-pin, start NiuDao bench, mother so easily calm face, in my hand not obedient, left once, right once, my JiaoZiPi seem an eight claw crabs.
Or it could be that people who smile when a photographer tells them to are more likely to have obedient personalities, which could make marriage easier.
Excessive patience, that is cowardly incompetence - a body will not be used to put up straight, an obedient soul will not be distributed from the passion of life.
Grandmother, you must be a bit faster good, if I would come one time to live again with you, I were obedient certainly very much.
Grandmother, you must be a bit faster good, if I would come one time to live again with you, I were obedient certainly very much.