When they're writing your obit while you're still alive, it's hard to have a good time.
Sideslip, sharp steer and obit deviation are the often occurrence of accidents during this process.
For a given gate voltage and a higer perpendicular magnetic field, the conductance and the oscillations amplitude induced by spin-obit coupling are increased.
In addition, the trajectories of oil droplets entering the hydrocyclone were computed by using the particle obit model. Thereby the separation efficiency of the hydrocyclone can be obtained.
My byline is likely to continue to appear for months, even years, because of the 40 or 50 obituaries I've written of people who are still living — the future dead, as we say, in mordant obit-speak.
My byline is likely to continue to appear for months, even years, because of the 40 or 50 obituaries I've written of people who are still living — the future dead, as we say, in mordant obit-speak.