By typing the following command, you can see an assembly listing of every section in the object file that contains executable code.
Therefore, to make the translation from one Object to another, you can use the code shown in listing 1.
Now the final task is to include this element in the object and save all of the HTML code to a file, which you'll do in Listing 8.
As shown in Listing 7, the code is verbose because many object constructors do not take parameters.
The code in Listing 8 does the same thing as the original code, but the logic for handling states has been put into one object for each state.
In the listing provided here, for simplicity, the code launches a dialog that shows the business object id provided on the URL.
Variables are untyped, so the object constructor might begin with code shown in Listing 1.
The code in Listing 4 didn't actually rotate the object in place around its center, but around its upper-left corner.
清单4 所示代码实现不是将现有对象以中心为原点进行旋转,而是以其左上角为原点进行旋转。
The Client-Side Click-to-Action source object code is updated, as shown in Listing 3.
All you have to do to create this object is invoke the code in Listing 8.
Listing 5 shows the code that creates the XMLHttpRequest object.
Listing 7 shows the fixed code of the ApplicationUtil object.
Consider the code in Listing 2, where a UI component holds a Point object to represent its location.
For instance, the code in Listing 2 May not be supported by all JAX-RPC systems, as the BookSearchBroker object is returned by reference.
例如,可能不是所有的JAX - RPC系统都支持清单2中的代码,因为BookSearchBroker对象是通过引用返回的。
The code in Listing 7 marshals the instance of DojoList (list object) into JSON.
In the bad code example in Listing 1, the fields of the Person object are exposed directly as public fields instead of with accessors.
Instead, you get a WorkManager using JNDI and hand it to the Work object which encapsulates the back-end business logic, using code similar to that shown in Listing 2.
You've been seeing the embed code of a Flash object for years, but as Listing 1 shows, lengthy exposure doesn't make it any less complex.
Listing 5 shows code that receives the incoming data and pushes it into an object of the ArrayList class.
The code in Listing 4 illustrates the journey from PurchaseOrder object instantiation and setup all the way through to persistence of this object in the database.
Listing 7 contains a snippet of code from the WSRF.Resource object.
清单7中包含了来自WSRF . Resource对象的代码片段。
To implement the logic to do the transformation between the business object and the XML string, copy the code in Listing 4 to the class ContactComponentImpl.
Listing 1 is an example of Jersey client code that enables sending a POST request with form parameters and receiving a response as a JAXB object.
Listing 4 shows the code to build the AuthRequest object and request the attributes using SReg.
Listing 2 shows the code of the ApplicationUtil object.
If you run the same code through json_encode , you get a portable json object (as shown in Listing 5).
The code in Listing 5 resides in the User object.
The example in code Listing 2 uses the waitForExistence method, which waits until an object appears.
代码清单2中的范例使用waitForExistence 方法,它会等到一个对象出现时才会执行。
The Listing 12 code snippet creates an oConnectionInfos object, initializes it with your username and password values, and then sets it in session scope.
This code listing creates a new class called ClientSocket and then declares an XML socket object named "xml_socket."