In particular, the goal of object system design is to partition the system state to meet the same goals of maintainability and extendibility faced in software design.
If you have an immutable object, you must set whatever state it will contain in the constructor.
The information in this file becomes the expected state of the object during subsequent builds.
The observer object subscribes to events that report any state changes in the monitored entity, and then updates its own state based on information in those events.
The object must be in the same state during playback for proper comparison with the baseline.
The code in Listing 8 does the same thing as the original code, but the logic for handling states has been put into one object for each state.
Virtualization of the entity lifecycle through Object Flow Diagrams, a basic model that captures both events and state transitions, is critical in this model.
In the context of data flow, an analyst identifies object types, and thinks about events that change the state of objects.
When the synchronization object is used in one of the wait functions, the wait function blocks the calling thread until the state of the synchronized object is set to signaled.
Aspects also have the ability to modify object state and behavior in new, more fine-grained ways, raising worries about maintaining system integrity, robustness, and even comprehension.
This sample application illustrates object caching and the exploitation of JSR168 state handling concepts, as discussed in Object caching and state handling.
此示例应用程序按照对象缓存与状态处理所述演示对象缓存和JSR168 状态处理概念的应用。
For technologists, the same series of events reflects the change in state for object representing the main business entity.
The state data that an object must hold to implement those operations is usually irrelevant this early in the design process.
In the absence of synchronization, it is possible to see an up-to-date value for an object reference that was written by another thread and still see stale values for that object's state.
Then, when the first object "emits" the signal (due to an internal change in state), the second object "catches" this change and reacts appopriately.
Object nodes in activity diagrams along with "State" attributes.
An object, as you already know from the discussion in the Karel book, is a conceptually integrated entity that encapsulates both state and behavior.
To use the state machine, I can instantiate a Nonprofit object and call methods on it for each event, followed by a !, as in Listing 2
要使用状态机,可以实例化一个Nonprofit对象并在其上为每个事件调用方法,后跟一个 !
In the BankAccount example, the allowed values for an account balance, part of the account object's "state," are integral to the account object, not orthogonal to it.
In the auto reset event, the state of the object remains signaled until a single waiting thread is released.
在自动重置事件(auto reset event)中,对象的状态会一直维持为有信号状态,直到单个正在等待的线程被释放为止。
The FacesContext object contains all the state information JSF needs to manage the GUI component's state for the current request in the current session.
In the manual reset event, the state of the object remains signaled until explicitly reset using the ResetEvent function.
在手工重置事件(manual reset event)中,对象的状态会一直维持为有信号状态,直到使用ResetEvent函数显式地重新设置它为止。
Recapping the action, you validated the ZIP code, created the XML request to call the web service, parsed the XML response, and put the city and state fields in the @address object.
现在简要重述一下刚才的操作,您验证了邮政区码,创建了调用Webservices 的XML请求,解析了 XML响应并将城市和州字段放入了 @address对象。
The only use for this ready state in almost-real-world Ajax programming is if you make multiple requests using the same XMLHttpRequest object across multiple functions.
After all, no matter how many times an entity object is updated in memory during an atomic Web flow, the SQL flush happening at the end of the flow only sees the final state of the entity instance.
毕竟,无论在原子we b流期间,在内存中对实体对象更新了多少次,流结尾处发生的SQL刷新只能看到实体实例的最后状态。
Using the ADMIN_COPY_SCHEMA procedure with the COPYNO option places the table Spaces, in which the target database object resides, in backup pending state.
If the portlet window state is currently in maximized state, initialize the various change URLs (back, configure, edit, and minimize) within the PortletInfo object.
If the portlet window state is currently in maximized state, initialize the various change URLs (back, configure, edit, and minimize) within the PortletInfo object.