Select the data object you want to import as metadata.
When defining an intermediate object, you can select which fields will be recorded in history, as shown in Figure 27.
在定义中间对象时,您可以选择将哪些字段记录到历史记录中,如图 27 所示。
A color sensor on the top of the pen registers the color of the object you select, which in turn is displayed digitally on the back of the device for verification.
You can use SOQL queries to search specific objects or fields of an object, similar to how SELECT queries specific fields in a table.
Select the entry template used to persist the form data in the object store.
In this case you select the parent business object and define two key attributes: one pointing to the parent key and one pointing to the child key.
Users can also search for objects and select an object from the search results.
Now you are asked to select the data object you want to import as meta data.
When you select an object class, you need to supply all the mandatory attributes included in the particular object class.
When adding a role, you need to name it and select the type of object to be maintained by the relationship for this role.
After the operation is selected, you can either launch the metadata browser to select the business object that you want to query on, or manually enter the object name and SOQL statement.
Now you are asked to select the data object you want to import as metadata.
Select the object and fields use the metadata browser.
Select the object and click the icon in the PurifyPlus toolbar on the top right (see Figure 15).
Using the Object Finder, select the first book in the list - or more accurately, the first cell in the search results table.
Select "sda" as the object to receive a segment manager.
dragging an object to select it
Click Finish, and then in the Properties pane for each prompt object, change the Multi-Select property to Yes, ensure the required property is set to No, and add sorting if required.
单击Finish,然后在每一个提示对象的Properties窗格上,将Multi - Select属性修改为Yes,保证Required属性设置为No,然后在需要时添加排序。
When you create a new life cycle in Studio, what actually happens is that you create a new composite life cycle, and when you initially govern an object, you select the desired composite life cycle.
On the Generate dimensions screen, select how you want to display object names and organize the dimensions.
Figure 19 shows an abstract business object (AbstractBO) before and after you select a concrete type (ExtensionBO).
In the Management Console, select Servers and select the server object you created.
To data-drive a script, you select an object in the application-under-test, and Rational Functional Tester then populates a datapool with data from the application.
要数据驱动一个脚本,您需要在被测试应用程序中选择一个对象,然后RationalFunctionalTester 将应用程序里的数据填充到一个数据池。
When you select an object, the browse page of the object is displayed on the browse Glossary TAB, which lists the name, class, stewardship and other important properties of the object.
After the editor is open, select View - Object browser from the menu (or you can press F2).
打开编辑器之后,从菜单中选择View-Objectbrowser(或者按f 2)。
Use the Object Finder tool to select the result-set in the SQuirreL SQL window, as shown in Figure 9.
Expand Directory management, click Add an entry to create the user wmbuser1, and then select the object class inetOrgPerson.
To do so, click on the Add icon, and then select the database object type Foreign Key Constraint, as shown in Figure 4c.
The helper object isSenior is used to select only the students graduating this year, and the helper object getGpa extracts the GPA field from a given student.
helper对象isSenior 用来选择今年毕业的学生,healper 对象getGpa 提取指定学生的GPA字段。
A first step is to select an object with the mouse. The Java 3D picking classes help you to do this, you can use them in the following way