The object relational mapping technology lets you map relational databases to objects.
If the object model for your application doesn't translate easily into the relational model, you'll have quite a challenge mapping your objects to tuples and back again.
The main focus of JPA 2.0 is to provide function that is currently provided disparately across various object relational mapping vendors but was not provided in JPA 1.0.
JPA 2.0主要关注的是所支持的功能,这些功能是目前在各种对象关系映射供应商中提供的,而不是 JPA 1.0中提供的。
Hibernate is very good tool when it comes to object relational mapping, but in terms of connection management and transaction management, it is lacking in performance and capabilities.
Rails USES the ActiveRecord library to handle database access and object-relational mapping between database tables and Ruby object models.
The Session object provides the programmer with a transient storage layer, much like those found in traditional object-relational mapping tools, and also serves as a link to a particular workspace.
Fortunately, we can mix Hibernate's object relational mapping with the connection and transaction management of WebSphere application Server to create very powerful application.
Because symfony USES Propel to provide Object Relational Mapping, you need to generate the model with the symfony command-line utility.
由于symfony将使用Propel来提供对象关系映射(Object Relational Mapping),因此需要用symfony命令行实用程序来生成模型。
Database information is mapped using a JCache implementation, cached in an ActiveSpace clustered cache and distributed to the application through an object relational mapping.
The “bottom up" approach assumes you already have database table schema and need to develop an object layer and object relational mapping from the table schema.
Either way, you have to write or generate code to do the object-relational mapping.
Learning from past support issues, you've noticed that you receive many frantic customer calls related to a problem stemming from incorrect JVM versions and incorrect object-relational mapping (ORM).
Object relational mapping refers to the technique of mapping the data representation from an object model to a relational data model with a SQL-based schema.
用基于 SQL 的模式可以把数据呈现从对象模型映射到关系数据模型,对象关系映射引用了这项技术。
The tedium of JDBC development led to the creation of the object relational mapping (ORM) framework, which provides a data access abstraction layer.
To deal with this possibility, make sure you use versioning if you are using an object-relational mapping (ORM) framework with this transaction strategy.
Mapping one worldview to the other is called object-relational mapping, and that mapping is rarely straightforward, since you need to reconcile two conflicting organizational strategies.
Unfortunately, because of this, we could not reuse the code we were using from EJB2 CMP ORM, so we needed to manually code the object-relational mapping for the JDBC queries.
不幸的是,我们因此不能重用在 EJB2CMPORM 中使用的代码,所以我们需要手动地编写用于JDBC查询的对象关系映射。
Suffice it to say that it has no provision for instrumentation and it does not use any sort of object-relational mapping (ORM) framework.
可以肯定地说,它没有提供插装的供应,并且不使用任何种类的对象关系映射(object - relational mapping, OR m)框架。
Use when you only want to use the Hibernate object relational mapping component.
In short it aims to model your entire database schema dynamically, querying its information schema and eliminating the need for object-relational mapping in your application code.
The MVC framework uses an object/relational (O/R) mapping framework - for instance Hibernate or Spring - to store and retrieve data in a relational database.
This article introduces the work stream in designing of object relation database, and mainly discusses the ways of mapping from the class model to the relational model.
Through entity-relational mapping tool to relational database mapping data into a target to achieve the object-oriented manner in order to operate the database.
The mapping strategies from object model to relational database model are the core of object-oriented relational database design.
结合油气储运网络管理系统的一期工 程实践,对对象模型向关系数据库模式映射的策略进行了讨论。
The mapping strategies from object model to relational database model are the core of object-oriented relational database design.
结合油气储运网络管理系统的一期工 程实践,对对象模型向关系数据库模式映射的策略进行了讨论。