This would be an obvious advantage to wide-ranging deer, especially to a socially dominant buck when courting several adult females during the autumn rut.
Today, on the 10th anniversary of the company, let's take a moment to consider a less obvious advantage: the potential for smartphone technology to revolutionize behavioral science.
But today, on the 10th anniversary of the company, let's take a moment to consider a less obvious advantage: the potential for smartphone technology to revolutionize behavioral science.
Therefore chlorine dioxide had obvious advantage in the disinfection of reclaimed water.
These communication characteristics endow with Blog an obvious advantage on news function.
The whole intercropping system had obvious advantage of the biological and economical output.
It has obvious advantage to use resistance pressure drop to measure the parameter of two-phase flow.
"Children who are taller have an obvious advantage when playing the football code of AFL," Dr. Barnett said.
Result shows that drainage effectiveness of upward hole has an obvious advantage over that of plumb hole.
Child acute eczema is a common disease in dermatology, which can be treated by TCM with obvious advantage.
Compared with oil produced by coal, methanol and DME have the obvious advantage in technology and economic.
There is obvious advantage of the ultrasonic flow meter for the metering on the large diameter gas pipeline.
It was the most excellent works after the civil war as well as it had the obvious advantage of any other works.
Besides the obvious advantage of not having to implement functions provided by the framework, there are a host of others.
Comparing with the general algorithm, it has obvious advantage in computing time, memory room and graphical display effect.
Four treated methods had obvious advantage of reliable fixation, high rate of fracture healing and early joints movement function.
The most obvious advantage is that theweb is based on standards, giving developers the benefit of a write once, runanywhere environment.
Possessing an obvious advantage, container transportation at sea has become a main way of maritime transportation and grows rapidly.
Conclusion: the PBL teaching mode has an obvious advantage in the teaching of pathology and can improve the pathology teaching quality.
Experiments show that the proposed algorithm has obvious advantage over traditional ones, especially in color difference and image details.
The obvious advantage of this scenario is reduced database calls and therefore reduced transaction load and faster access to objects in the grid.
Solar energy has the obvious advantage that the sun is an inexhaustible and abundant source which is free of both pollution and radioactivity.
Air conditioning could be combined with solar power – which has one obvious advantage, says Maidment. "When the sun shines, you need air conditioning."
Compared with other holographic materials such as holographic silver halide plate and dichromate gelatin, the obvious advantage is no wet processing.
The latter approach has the obvious advantage of providing a clean slate, enabling the definition of a language that is optimally suited to the problem at hand.
By comparing the two athermal techniques of mechanical compensation and optical compensation, we can see the last one has obvious advantage over the former.
Conclusion: Reconstruction nail had obvious advantage of less trauma, reliable fixation, rapid fracture healing in the treatment of complex femoral fractures.
Conclusion: Reconstruction nail had obvious advantage of less trauma, reliable fixation, rapid fracture healing in the treatment of complex femoral fractures.