One's ears are more attuned to sounds in the darker hours – the very occasional shriek of a shearwater, the other sounds with no known cause.
It can also be linked to the ship's radar, for greater accuracy, though the fact that the laser does not cause permanent damage means that occasional mis-targeting will not matter too much.
The ones with smooth tops are the ones that have rolled over: some of these cause tsunamis powerful enough to wash the occasional unwary Danish tourist off the beach and away to an icy death.
Perhaps in your Reddit conversations you run into the occasional user who always seems to cause trouble.
A mild case of dust mite allergy may cause an occasional runny nose, watery eyes and sneezing.
In an occasional woman, having too much stress can change her hormone levels and therefore cause the time when she releases an egg to become delayed or not take place at all.
A few occasional flaps of the wings of a butterfly in a South American tropical rain forest in the Amazon Basin may cause a tornado in Texas, the United States two weeks later.
The occasional loneliness, already could not cause my attention, now the human has grown up, many must think, the multi-considerations, only then may move.
Unfortunately, the occasional inability to manage postoperative pain remains a cause of unexpected overnight hospitalization.
Unfortunately, the occasional inability to manage postoperative pain remains a cause of unexpected overnight hospitalization.