Discuss the radio occultation technique in details.
There are an abundance of the lunar occultation records in ancient China.
Progresses abroad and at home in GPS radio occultation technique are briefly introduced.
The computation with data of certain occultation event is done and the results are analyzed.
The noise occultation was significant, and the undertone was the easiest one to be occulted.
The grazing occultation of the star by the Moon is observed in the zenith at the Earth's equator.
If LEO satellite orbit changes, then the GPS occultation events number and distribution will be different.
If LEO satellite orbit changes, then the GPS occultation event's number and distribution will be different.
As an extended technique of GNSS radio occultation (RO), the airborne RO sounding has attracted much wider attention.
The theory and the procedure of inversion of Earth′s neutral atmospheric parameters with GPS occultation are briefly introduced.
The main content includes the analysis of occultation installations, population evacuation route and the optimization of the network.
The influence of the geography on the height of the occultation is analyzed using data observed by CHAMP occultation, and it is ve...
From lunar occultation experiments at infrared wavelengths it has been determined that the dust shell can be represented by two components.
The way of remote sensing of terrestrial atmospheric parameters using space borne GPS radio occultation technique is discusses in this paper.
Radio occultation technique can provide the Earth's ionospheric and neutral atmosphere with high accuracy, high vertical resolution and global coverage.
The height and the excess phase variations of the occultation caused by water vapor and the temperature variety in the atmosphere boundary layer are studied in details.
Under the assumptions of geometric optics and thin phase screen the retrieval algorithms of amplitude in GPS/LEO occultation technique were listed in this paper, respectively.
Because the Moon and bright planets wander through the sky near the ecliptic plane, such occultation events are not uncommon, but they are dramatic, especially in telescopic views.
LEO constellation composed of two or more satellites can improve the time and space resolution and increase the number of occultation events greatly compared with a single LEO satellite.
A LEO constellation composed of two or more satellites can improve the time and space resolution and increase the number of occultation events greatly compared with a single LEO satellite.
When the low-Earth orbit (LEO) satellite is low, the contribution of the Total Electron Contents (TEC) above the satellite is not neglectable for inversion of GPS-LEO ionospheric occultation.
In this article we investigate the search course of the component concept meaning in the understanding of the glossary combined concept by means of space interval and class occultation separately.
In this article we investigate the search course of the component concept meaning in the understanding of the glossary combined concept by means of space interval and class occultation separately.