As the ocean floor plate begins to sink down into the mantle, it would drag or pull the entire plate along with it.
The rock material flows up from Earth's interior here, at the split, which forces the two sides of the ocean floor to spread apart, to make room for the new rock material.
It all began in 1977 with the exploration of hydrothermal vents on the ocean floor.
Even humpback whales prefer to use the right side of their jaws to scrape sand eels from the ocean floor.
An air bubble ascending from the ocean floor contorts and twists into a semicircle as a wave breaks in the background.
An air bubble ascending from the ocean floor contorts and twists into a semicircle as a wave breaks in the background.
They can be up to one and a half meters long, and these tubes are attached to the ocean floor, pretty weird looking, huh?
Well over half of those ships were carrying cargo stored in large ceramic jars, many of which were preserved largely intact on the ocean floor.
If an ocean floor tectonic plate meets the edge of a continent and they push against each other, the heavier one sinks down and goes under the other one.
If that happens, slab pull could draw the oceanic crust under the continent, actually causing the Americas to move eastward toward Europe and the ocean floor to get smaller.
These vents on the ocean floor, they release this incredibly hot water, 3 to 4 times the temperature that you boil water at, because this water has been heated deep within the Earth.
But when it wants to blend in with its environment to hide from its enemies, it can take on the color of its immediate surroundings: the ocean floor, a rock, a piece of coral, whatever.
When a whale dies, it quickly drops to the bottom of the ocean floor.
More and more of this plate, the ocean floor, would go down under the continent into the mantle.
Ocean scientists study the chemical make-up of the ocean, weather patterns, the geography of the ocean floor, and many other areas.
She got to work building something that could help solve the problem: a remote-operated vehicle, or ROV. Her ROV can move through water and find plastics on the ocean floor.
When Congress returns they should remove this restriction so we can get these vast oil resources from the ocean floor to your gas tank.
In some, a destructive fishing practice called bottom trawling, which scours life from the ocean floor, is permitted.
These microscopic impurities, derived from rock and from organic material in creatures that once lived on an ancient ocean floor, have undergone an amazing journey.
In one, involving salmon, some fish froze to death and piscine faeces turned the nearby ocean floor into a wasteland.
The discovery that carbon from the ocean floor can be mixed so deep within the mantle raises the larger question of how much of the ocean floor and sediments are carried to the deep mantle.
Scientists at Oregon State University have identified vast reservoirs of water beneath the ocean floor.
These jellies are almost transparent: the best way to spot them is to look for their shadows on the ocean floor.
Many oceanographic surveys have already discovered plumes of methane rising from the ocean floor, particularly in the Arctic, Elliott notes.
Ship-based sonar would help, but ship-based instruments have mapped only about 10 percent of the ocean floor so far.
Photos within the magazine reveal the natural contrasts of Hawaii's Big Island, built over eons by lava flows welling up from the ocean floor.
A giant containment dome that BP will place on the ocean floor to contain the spill should begin capturing oil on Monday, an executive said.
A lizardfish captures a meal on the sandy ocean floor of temperate Suruga Bay.
Shortly thereafter, oil began leaking into the Gulf of Mexico from ruptured pipes deep on the ocean floor.
The vessel spent barely 20 minutes on the ocean floor, and only unmanned vessels have been back since.