For those uninitiated in scientific ocean drilling, the previous record was a little over 4 km.
It is caused mainly by industrial underwater explosions, ocean drilling, and ship engines.
Ocean Drilling program (ODP) is the largest and worldwide attention attracting international program in the Marine science research.
Because the mud is expensive and could be harmful to ocean life, it is recycled back to the ship during drilling.
We could send a lander to drop a drilling probe through the kilometers-thick ice or attempt to find a huge fissure to access the sub-surface ocean.
One year ago, an explosion rocked the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig in the Gulf of Mexico, killing 11 workers, sinking the rig, and releasing a massive amount of crude oil into the ocean.
It has a manipulator hand containing drilling and cutting tools that allow the robot to retrieve samples of rock from the ocean bed.
The Russians, who control far more prospective drilling area in the Arctic Ocean than the United States and Canada combined, take a far different view.
The researchers say that such a device could be used to protect isolated spots in the ocean-like drilling platforms or low-lying islands-or coastal regions vulnerable to tsunamis.
Engineers had spent days pumping heavy drilling fluid into the leaking well head on the ocean floor in a high-pressure bid to smother the gushing crude and ultimately seal the well with cement.
The sudden strong current induced by internal soliton during its propagation can cause severe threat to the ocean engineering and oil drilling platform etc.
It is necessary that drilling vessel is capable of standing still under the action of ocean current wave surge tropical storm and internal wave current in winter.
Mini type sea water desalination equipment, Applied to the warship, ocean fishing vessel, offshore drilling platform and island.
As a mobile ocean platform, and owing to its high positioning capacity and good operation stability, the self-elevation drilling platform takes a leading role in continetial shelf exploration.
How to build a simulated ocean environment and support applications for operational training or campaign drilling with it is gradually becoming a study field that people concern.
On the base of that, the matching construction of the ocean workover rig for side tracking was discussed. This provided a new way for the slim hole drilling.
In the deep water and bad surrounding ocean, it is very important that the anchor system severed as the located equipment of the platform or drilling boat.
In the deep water and bad surrounding ocean, it is very important that the anchor system severed as the located equipment of the platform or drilling boat.