One is to promote and participate in the series of negotiations on tied aid together with other OECD member countries, and formulate the rules directly.
Individual country readings fell across the board, including for non-OECD member countries, with most seeing their CLIs drop below their long-term average of 100.
Moreover, the shift in the private sector balance between 2007 and 2010 is forecast to exceed 10 per cent of GDP in no fewer than eight OECD member countries (see chart).
In 1970 Sweden was the fourth-richest member of the OECD club of industrial countries.
The OECD says 22 out of 29 of its member countries have extended support for workers on furlough, and 16 have cut payroll taxes and other social contributions.
Every three years the OECD tests the academic abilities of 15-year-old children in its member states and some other countries.
According to the OECD, Britain ranks only 13th among its 30 member countries for the share of people aged 55-64 who have completed secondary school.
When the OECD recently looked at 12 member countries, it found clear signs of a recent decline in disability in elderly people in only five of them (including America).
On May 24th the OECD launched its alternative measure of well-being which includes 20 different indicators across 11 sectors in its 34 member countries, from life satisfaction to air pollution.
Jobs abroad (in the member countries of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development [OECD] and the Gulf) are equivalent to 6 percent of total employment at home.
The OECD is a multinational grouping of 30 countries established nearly a half-century ago, with Switzerland a member.
The centralized Treasury payment system has been carried out for years in many western developed countries, such as member counties of OECD.
The OECD, an international think-tank, says that migration into its member countries dropped by 7% in 2009.
OECD unemployment division chief Stephan Scarpetta says the number of jobless among the OECD's 30 member countries is expected to climb even higher next year, to nearly 10 percent.
经合组织就业分析和政策部主任斯蒂芬。斯卡皮塔(Stephan Scarpetta)指出,经合组织30个成员国中的失业人数预计在明年将进一步攀升,达到接近10%的水平。
OECD unemployment division chief Stephan Scarpetta says the number of jobless among the OECD's 30 member countries is expected to climb even higher next year, to nearly 10 percent.
经合组织就业分析和政策部主任斯蒂芬。斯卡皮塔(Stephan Scarpetta)指出,经合组织30个成员国中的失业人数预计在明年将进一步攀升,达到接近10%的水平。