The seafarer's identity document shall be designed in a simple manner, be made of durable material, and be so fashioned that any alterations are easily detectable.
The safe workingload marked on chain slings shall be either in plain figures or lettersupon the chains or upon a tablet or ring of durable material attachedsecurely thereto.
On the street side, the extension is expressed through the use of a noble and durable material, stainless steel.
But because it's made of such durable material, it can be scrubbed, washed and even bleached - perfect for a house with two small children.
Material: the use of high-quality stainless steel wire drawing board, corrosion-resistant, durable.
The swivel seat will turn easily enabling you to comfortable access in and out of your car. Made from durable, easy clean quilted material.
The using of environmental protect material reflects the humane care, light and durable fabric follows the tendency of Times.
The body structure of the whole machine is made by steel, solid and durable. The long-term use is not due to crushing material influence the mechanical properties.
It's constructed with all the durable quality of our six-inch premium boots, but the quarter panels are made from contrasting material for a flash of individuality.
Obviously, such Styropor sculpture is very fragile, and the artist soon found it necessary to devise some way of transferring the pieces to a more durable material.
Soft cotton material, it has strong ability of water, feel soft and comfortable, antibacterial, durable, and give your skin the closest attention.
The NOMEX material at high temperature and high temperature of cotton cloth, durable, beautiful, air permeability, water absorption, good elasticity, ensure the ironing quality.
They are the strongest you can find. Made of the most durable material, nothing can Pierce them.
The exterior surface of a curtain wall should be made of a durable material, capable of lasting as long as the building. Maintenance should be a minimum.
They are available in Ivory, Beige and Moka color and made of a very qualitative material is resistant to scratches and very durable.
Gold Ring: the Gold Ring part is Schneider's latest research results, the characteristics of this material is very stable, powerful of anti-scratch and very durable.
Due to health and safety and to facilitate economic and other advantages in the field of non-durable apparel, non-woven material has become so popular.
A modern F1 race chassis is constructed of carbon fibre composite material and provides a structure that is durable, extremely light and strong.
The major part is made of highly-durable ti-aluminum alloy material, and is welded with aero technology.
Top quality material:Firm and durable, all the leather cases are made of South Korean top quality cowhide or PVC material.
Top quality material:Firm and durable, all the leather cases are made of South Korean top quality cowhide or PVC material.