In Norman England, the greyhound was a symbol of nobility.
A champagne that enjoys the reputation of nobility prestige.
Guo gong is a title of nobility granted to founders of a state.
Social experience is the progression through the ranks of nobility.
Response of the minister means that Confucius and Modi are symbols of nobility.
The beautiful tree of life requires teh irrigation of sweats and the nurture of nobility.
Marquis is a European title of nobility, ranking immediately below a duke and above a count.
This beauty gave a tinge of nobility and glamour to even the most pedestrian kind of homesickness.
Composed of nobility and commoners alike, these men make up a powerful unit of heavy cavalry.
People with Leo in the Ascendant seem to possess a flair for the life of nobility and regality.
If you want to have good looks, have an air of nobility, then you should cleanse your own heart.
But for all the ego, Dash did have a streak of nobility hidden beneath his chiseled good looks and muscular build.
COUNT ILYA ANDREITCH had given up being a marshal of nobility, because that position involved too heavy an expenditure.
Pass any bill of attainder ex post facto law or law impairing the obligation of contracts or grant any title of nobility.
Pass any bill of attainder ex post facto law or law impairing the obligation of contracts or grant any title of nobility .
This country holiday centre, comBining leisure, sports, delicacies and entertainment in one, is really a place of noBility.
During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, "Jing Tai Lan" was the decorative articles owned only by royal families, a symbol of nobility and wealth.
There is not much to choose between men. They are all a combination of greatness and littleness, of virtue and vice, of nobility and baseness.
It's cultural impact stresses that Jiangtaigong's conferring titles of nobility on Qi followed the local culture and advocated the utilitarian.
White skin is symbol of nobility, so girls want to keep their skin white and smooth, they are willing to spend a lot of money on the skin care products.
Beheading — swift and painless, as long as the axe was sharp — was considered a "privileged" way to die and was reserved mainly for members of nobility, rarely commoners.
斩首- - -只要斧头够锋利,是快速而没有痛苦的- - -被认为是死刑的一种“特权式”的方式,主要只在贵族成员的行刑时使用,而极少会施于平民。
The paintings of Jacques Louis David, such as the Oath of the Horatii (1770), harkened back to Republican Rome and the virtues of nobility, simplicity, and perfection of form.
Hamlet and Don Quixote shine with their personality of nobility, being good at thinking, perseverance and braveness and there are endless profound interpretations of them.
Driven by this idea, with a Patek Philippe table has become a real table who love the symbol of nobility: or wear, or the collection, because the value of the long and long.
Baron Carrickfergus - Barons are the lowest rank of nobility, originally meaning someone who had pledged their loyalty to the king. Carrickfergus is a large town in Northern Ireland.
Baron Carrickfergus - Barons are the lowest rank of nobility, originally meaning someone who had pledged their loyalty to the king. Carrickfergus is a large town in Northern Ireland.