Opus One which is of noble birth and excellent quality has always been popular among wine lovers.
As a knight, he was pledged to protect the weak, to fight for the church, to be loyal to his Lord and to respect women of noble birth.
They were going to put him downstairs to eat with the servants, but this angered him and he said: "I'm no ordinary ass from any old stable, I'm of noble birth."
他们只让小驴儿坐在下边,和仆人们一起吃饭。 小驴儿生气地说: “我不是普普通通的小驴儿,是身份高贵的小驴儿。”
He also maintained the tradition of choosing leaders in a mass meeting, and people under his rule were able to advance by ability rather than noble birth.
People who think that noble birth must be a noble appearance, it is just an understanding of the outbreak.
His profligacy is to be regarded kindly, for it is a sign of high spirits and noble birth.
Kondanna - gained his first glimpse of Nirvana, thus giving birth to the Noble Sangha.
In ancient China, the custom of presenting chopsticks to the newlywed as a wedding gift has long existed, conveying the wishes of giving birth to a noble child as soon as possible.
In ancient China, the custom of presenting chopsticks to the newlywed as a wedding gift has long existed, conveying the wishes of giving birth to a noble child as soon as possible.