Of note are the "catlines" used as basses on historical instruments.
Layers and the layers palette were other areas of note.
Also of note, quanp offers 10 GB to Windows Live's 25 GB.
Of note is that the slim grey box on the left hand side is the actual boxplot.
Of note is his coverage of the new app generator and configuration system.
Mr Werning and his co-authors have so far derived at least two theoretical results of note.
Remember the point of note taking is to encourage learning, not just record what was said.
The first line of note is one I haven't talked much about yet, and it's illustrated in Listing 7.
第一行要注意的代码尚未多加讨论,该代码如清单7 所示。
Mrs Beckham, now a fashion designer of note , has stolen the limelight at weddings in the past.
To some they are amazing and worthy of note, to the skeptics, it is just the law of probability.
Also of note, having the view_rebuild_dir Notes.ini parameter use a ram disk showed an overall gain.
还需要注意的是,对view _ rebuild_dirNotes . ini参数使用RAM磁盘,总体性能得到提升。
For example, the technique of interviewing requires the skills of note-taking and active listening.
The stack of note CARDS becomes the set of requirements for the system, as they are known right then.
Of note: older participants do not have to train any harder to maintain their fitness than their younger rivals.
During the Super Bowl, there was another football game of note between the big animals and the little animals.
超级杯赛里,最令人津津乐道的一场(gameof note)是大动物和小动物的比赛。
The last feature of note to be incorporated in to 4.0 is the ability to control folders through drag and drop.
Mr. Noda, whose father was the youngest of six siblings and his mother the last of eleven, has no inheritance of note.
The NOTE_CLASS_xxx value is important when creating design elements because it identifies the type of note we are creating.
But the initial act of writing things down is only part of the equation if you want to leverage the full power of note-taking.
It is worthy of note that no distinction is made about the type of document that is used in communicating with the Web services.
Basically, I decided to use Popplet to start jotting down notes about the process of note-taking and how it might support learning.
Salute Andronicus and Junia, my kinsmen, and my fellow-prisoners, who are of note among the apostles, who also were in Christ before me.
The first thing of note in Listing 13 and Listing 14 is that there are two condition variables instead of the one that the blocking queue had.
Another feature of note is the inclusion of the Data Tools Platform SQL Query Builder prototype, which allows queries to be built graphically.
Also of note, apparently sometime between version 2.4.1 and 2.7.0, Xalan started outputting the URL, line, and column number for each message.
值得一提的是,2.4.1和2.7.0版本之间的差别有时候很明显,从后一个版本开始Xalan输出URL 和每个消息的行列号。
Users who don't have tablets could previously also access the feature by holding Ctrl + 9 when in any note, although now it's its own type of note.
没有平板电脑的用户也可以通过按下Ctrl +9访问该功能,尽管现在是自己本身类型的笔记。
If he can get enough buy-in from journalists at all levels in his early experiment in the San Francisco Bay Area, this could become a national resource of note.
While there are tons of note-taking programs out there, I haven't found anything that works as well as this one does AND offers syncing between my machines.
While there are tons of note-taking programs out there, I haven't found anything that works as well as this one does AND offers syncing between my machines.