Hogwash oil is refined, inedible waste oil - of poor quality and unsanitary.
Upon arrival, we found the goods were of poor quality. So we cannot pay for it.
These ancient books are printed on paper with deckled edges, and are of poor quality.
If the colloid or conjugate appears purple, it is likely to be of poor quality and unstable.
Also, the public education system is failing to meet demand and schooling is often of poor quality.
We cannot afford to spend precious time sorting out the good from those of poor quality, "he added."
The instruments were of poor quality and with so many people being self-taught, there were problems.
At the same time, if the receiving facilities of poor quality, customer complaints, repair service capacity.
And Indian coal is generally of poor quality, which makes it unsuited to newer, more efficient, coal-fired power stations.
Of course, we all know that speedy software development and delivery would be nothing if the software were of poor quality.
Therefore, in the analysis of the cost of poor quality, especially the external cost, should consider its intangible loss.
Goods of poor quality are indeed cheap but they don't last long. Therefore, it pays in the long run to buy goods of high quality.
China and India, both booming economies, are big importers of fertiliser, and arable land in China in particular is of poor quality.
You can't imagine the headaches you'll face if you're on a job and your tools break because they are of poor quality or work improperly.
Some households spend as much as 30 percent of their income on lamps and fuel — this for two or three hours of poor quality light at night.
Master data typically is scattered throughout the enterprise in multiple source systems which makes it inconsistent, incomplete and of poor quality.
Then, through the analysis of the value chain of product, we can build an organization system of cost of poor quality that adapts to Six Sigma.
However, if the device as designed is of poor quality, the GMP production controls will only assure that a poor quality device is manufactured.
They were of poor quality, but the reason given by Lil Rodríguez, the channel's director, was that: “The editorial line must be determined by the company.”
But he also said some "top" scientific journals had published "horrific examples" of poor quality research on the alleged harm caused by some illicit drugs.
In this paper, the concept and meaning of cost of poor quality are discussed, and a FMEA method is proposed to calculate approximately the value of COPQ.
Compared with triangular meshes, tetrahedral meshes tend to have a larger proportion of poor quality elements and to have elements that are more severely distorted.
At the opposite end of the spectrum are those who use procrastination (again, generally not on a conscious level) as a means of excusing work which they know is of poor quality.
There are several possible explanations: it could be that the program was choosing the wrong patients for transplants or using organs of poor quality, according to the newspaper.
The pipes had rusted and developed many leaks, so the water was of poor quality and even of possible harm to the villagers' health and the villagers even had to pay for the lost water.
The pipes had rusted and developed many leaks, so the water was of poor quality and even of possible harm to the villagers' health and the villagers even had to pay for the lost water.