June a Friday, in the lawn, a war between the two classes of the football game started.
The survey of the football game in a certain country inevitably relates to the national culture.
He had been working for a long time on the new game that would have the excitement of American football.
Sovereign is appointed for Hobbes to be much like an umpire in a baseball or a football game to set the rules of the game.
Ultimate frisbee combines the traditional game of disc toss with the tackling techniques of football and the goalie position in soccer.
The more English youth players you have in your team, the better it is for your football and popularity of your game.
While the modern game of football started with the foundation of the football Association of England in 1863, its roots extend to opposite ends of the earth.
1863年英格兰足球协会的创立开创了现代足球运动的历史,但是足球的起源却在地球的另一端- - -古老的东方。
Football is a very exciting game because it keeps you alert and I also enjoy the team spirit of football.
For that reason, Davie Cooper's impromptu game of keepy-uppy against Celtic in 1979 – voted the greatest goal in Scottish football history – is quite unlike any other.
It is no use offering the manual labourer, tired out with a hard week’s sweat and effort, the chance of playing a game of football or baseball on Saturday afternoon.
We know English football has a lot of physical engagement, and that is part of the game – and we know that nobody goes in with the intent of injuring a fellow player.
I read that material, more out of obligation than enjoyment. For enjoyment, for me, it’s a beer and the football game.
I felt privileged to meet Nothemba and the other children and despite the fact we come from different backgrounds, we share a love for the game of football.
All have delivered the message that football is more than just a game. Football is not only about winning; it is also a school of life where you must learn to lose, and that is not easy.
On a hot August day, the kind of afternoon that only kids find perfect for strenuous activity, Cameron collected 20 friends for a touch football game at a park near his home outside Atlanta.
And it is also because the strength of football lies in its grass roots that we have to preserve the local, regional and national identities of our game, always in accordance with the law.
They were playing for the national championship in the last regular-season game of the one hundredth year of college football.
Rooks are found to use ingenious tools; dolphins are overheard talking to whales; and pigs, while not yet flying, play a passable game of football-at least according to the BBC.
Balotelli has praised the efforts of English football to eradicate racism from the game since arriving at Eastlands.
Don't judge the blips of flashing thoughts, simply observe them as if you were on the bleachers at a football game.
On Sunday, during a game against real Madrid, the LA Galaxy footballer wore a pair of football boots with the names of all four of his children stitched on in pink.
In 2006, ESPN came when the newly formed team played the first high school football game north of the Arctic Circle.
Roberto martinez has accused the English football authorities of being intimidated by Sir Alex Ferguson, saying that the Scot is treated differently to other managers in the game.
It was the end of his senior football season, and as he trotted onto the practice field shortly before the big playoff game, the coach met him with a telegram.
It was the end of his senior football season, and as he trotted onto the practice field shortly before the big playoff game, the coach met him with a telegram.