Among these works Emanual von Baeyer, a London dealer, will show "The Aviary of Death", a 16th-century etching of the Grim Reaper busily at work, by Giovanni Paolo Cimerlini (see slideshow below).
The reaper leaped over a heap of cheap weapons.
The Reaper was flying a combat mission when operators lost "positive control" of the UAV, or the ability to establish connections and send control inputs to the remote-controlled aircraft.
Although death is the central theme of Halloween, celebrants deal with the grim reaper only on a playful level.
Although death is the central theme of Halloween celebrants deal with the grim reaper only on a playful level.
For the Reaper will come for all of us, the question is what do we do between the time we are born and the time he shows up.
The USAF does not know how or why operators lost control of the MQ-9 Reaper Unmanned Aircraft System.
The Grim Reaper can cut life short and, under the right circumstances, whittle those still standing down to the size of pygmies.
"This is the first MQ-9 Reaper crash that was due to loss of control," he said.
“这是第一架MQ - 9‘收获者’因失控而坠毁。”他说。
Another log entry tells of a Reaper hide-and-seek mission above Kandahar province on the afternoon of 28 October 2008.
An inventive artist has created a Halloween-inspired 3-d collection of garage covers, including designs of the grim reaper and Dracula's gothic den.
There may not be a man in the cockpit, but each Reaper, a bigger, deadlier version of the Predator, requires more than 180 people to keep it flying.
The tractor, the reaper, the combine, and hundreds of other machines gave farmers the mechanical advantage they had long needed to ease their burdens and make their lands truly profitable.
And then there's the real world, where a swarm of Predator and Reaper unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) now regularly carry out surveillance and missile strikes.
On Rhen Var, Anakin Skywalker went to the tomb of Ulic Qel-Droma for information on how to withstand the effects of Dark Reaper and the Harvester.
There it was attached to the underbelly of the Dark Reaper, and after thousands of years, the ancient Sith weapon was operational yet again.
Dooku searched the galaxy and found the pieces of the Dark Reaper.
Along one side of the field the whole wain went, the arms of the mechanical reaper revolving slowly, till it passed down the hill quite out of sight.
When I finally understood the importance of studying, the grand reaper was already busily harvesting his bounty with the sickle.
When I finally understood the importance of studying, the grand reaper was already busily harvesting his bounty with the sickle.