All of the above can be conditional upon the operating system type and revision, time of day, arbitrary user-defined classes, presence or absence of files, directories, or data in files, and so on.
A structured data type is a form of user-defined data type that contains a sequence of attributes, each of which has a data type.
Prior to this release, the declared temporary table (DGTT) was the only type of user-defined temporary table.
The only mandatory criteria relate to the WSDL port type of the providers, but the criteria can also include user-defined properties and classifications.
You may even want to create a user-defined type to pass the exact required options to each of the functions, which would allow each execution of a function to use a different set of options.
Your constants can be integer, character, floating-point, string, Boolean, octet or enumerated but not of type any or a user-defined type. Here are some examples.
Finally, you can also find arrays constructed from user-defined XML schema types. Listing 6 shows the definition of just such a type.
The value of the function name has a type that is recognized by the interpreter as a user-defined function.
The developer creates templates of the type defined by the user control, and can then add controls and markup to the templates.
Use it to enable implicit conversions between a user-defined type and another type, if the conversion is guaranteed not to cause a loss of data.
Indicates the determinism and data access properties of a method or property on a user-defined type (UDT).
Indicates the determinism and data access properties of a method or property on a user-defined type (UDT).