The ant is a kind of social insect which is a type of wide distribution, the most of quantity and species insect, and it is also a kind of edible and medical resources insect.
Shallow underground water in south of Boxing county has the characteristics of wide distribution, stable reentry and alimetation condition and complicated hydrochemical characteristics.
The value of knowledge and the return on the public investment in research depends, in part, upon wide distribution and ready access.
Sporopollen implies warm-cool and moist climate of temperate zone, suggesting wide distribution of deciduous and latifoliate forests.
The electricity distribution system must be Europe-wide if we are to get the maximum security of supply.
Thanks to nearly universal testing of pregnant women and wide distribution of free antiretroviral drugs, fewer than 4% of babies born to HIV-positive mothers are infected with the virus.
Imagine a world with levitating cars, MRIs the size of laptops, and wide scale efficient energy distribution.
Engaged in distribution, undergo secondment, organization and comprehensive statistics of annual performance assessment of employees system-wide.
Biomass biomass boiler precipitator fuel is a renewable source of carbon, with great production, wide distribution, low sulfur, low nitrogen, fast growth, low carbon dioxide emissions.
CIMMYT sent out a first batch of 15 for development and nine have made it into production and distribution on a wide scale.
The wide distribution of granite and quartz sand, clay construction materials is an important resource.
Conclusion the wide distribution of ADM in the brain indicates that ADM has important role in the central nervous system.
Henan's resources of historical culture are characterized by long history, wide distribution, rich category, high grade, and so on.
Only if this short crack extends long enough and blunted wide enough, can it affect the principal crack extension and the distribution of stress and plastic strain.
WebSphere XD has a dynamic configuration service called the bulletin board, which enables the cell-wide distribution of the configuration items.
WebSphereXD提供了名为公告牌(bulletin board)的动态配置服务,允许将配置项目分散在整个单元内。
CIMMYT sent out a first batch of 15 for development and nine have madeit into production and distribution on a wide scale.
'We put a lot of love and hard work into this picture,' says Rory Bruer, who heads world-wide distribution for Sony Pictures.
The proposed multiple petroleum system is one of the results of nativeness in the system, with wide distribution in China.
Elastography can obtain the quantitative information of the elasticity distribution within tissues and hence has some important clinical values and wide application prospects.
This apparatus is a multifunction spectrum testing set-up, which suits to measure for infrared detectors the wide range spectral sensitivity and also the distribution of spectral energy.
The wide spatial and temporal distribution of alkaline magmatism shows that mantle metasomatism is a widespread, long-lived and continuous geological process.
This discovery shows a wide distribution of the traces indicating human activities in Qujiang area at the same period of the Maba man.
An invigilator is a frequent medical device which has characters of much in quantity, wide in distribution.
Sagebrush is one of major components with high feeding value and wide distribution in native pasture.
The system is characterized by wide distribution of user and complicate function of data acquisition and disposal.
The distribution of fluorine and fluoride in nature is very wide and they are used widely in chemistry, medicine, agriculture and et al.
The Carboniferous-Lower Permian source rocks are high to very high in maturity, with a wide distribution, great thickness, high content of organic material and better variety.
The distribution and expansion of cities and towns in regional wide are important characteristics of regularity of their spatial transformation.
Some cystic diseases of lymph node, such as lymphoid tuberculosis, and cystic metastasis of cervical lymph nodes, usually appeared as multiple and wide distribution.
Montmorillonite is a large surface area and wide distribution clay mineral, it is also one of main activated components in soil.