The spanish oaks were hung with patches of wine red, the sumach was brilliant in the darkening underbrush.
You could have the car on an open road or maybe you could create a picture of your Benz with red velvet ropes or driving through the wine country, whatever!
This one here is a Chianti, which is perhaps Italy's most famous type of red wine.
They gave her three kinds of wine to drink, white, red, and yellow, and with that she died.
One such popular medicinal drink was Vin Mariani, a French product consisting of coca extract mixed with red wine.
This 2013 Bastide Miraflors Cotes Catalanes is one of the greatest red wine values.
In one experiment, he got 57 wine experts together and had them taste one glass of red wine and one glass of white wine.
The polyphenol content of the white wine still was just a quarter of the amount in red wine.
Three men loitered by the bay window, talking to one another while staring out at the street, their glasses of red wine luminous in the reflected evening light.
In other words, it's not certain which came first: the health benefits of red wine, or that wine drinkers are healthy people.
Beware of mulled wine. Adding sugar and spices to wine boosts the calorie count: a 5-ounce glass of mulled wine has about 175 calories, compared with about 125 in a glass of red wine.
And drink a glass of red wine for antioxidants that may protect against heart disease and eye problems.
This resulted in a significant increase of white wine polyphenols up to six times the normal level and exhibited antioxidant activity similar to that of red wine.
Studies demonstrated that it has to do with the consumption of red wine in southern France," Aviram said.
研究表明,这必定与法国南部人们红酒的高消费量有关, “艾维瑞姆说。
Some researchers link this with their consumption of red wine-and, in particular, of a molecule called resveratrol that is found in such wine.
For now, Georgians will most likely face them with their customary blend of stoicism, cynicism, and red wine.
In the other experiment, he asked the experts to rate two different bottles of red wine.
Indeed, studies showed that people from the Mediterranean region who regularly drank red wine have lower risks of heart disease.
Studies demonstrated that it has to do with the consumption of red wine in southern France, "Aviram said."
I'd eat it on the sofa, watching an episode of Mad Men, with a glass of red wine and plenty of napkins.
Tannins may also play a part in the beneficial health aspects of moderate red wine drinking.
Scientists have long known that a moderate intake of alcohol, and red wine in particular, is associated with a lowered risk of heart disease and other benefits.
The mice in this new study received huge amounts of it -- many, many times more than a person would get from a glass of red wine.
A daily glass of red wine can stop you putting on fat, especially around your belly.
According to an expert, regular intake of chocolate, fruits, vegetables, red wine and tea help you against Alzheimer's disease.
According to the authors, the amount of polyphenols necessary to obtain an anti-cancer effect is the equivalent of drinking about a bottle of red wine each day.
Wine — and, in particular, red wine with its high concentration of the chemical resveratrol from the grape skin — is anti-cancer and pro-heart, at least in moderation.
James Lasdun's new novel opens with a drenching in red wine and ends with the spilling of blood.
James Lasdun's new novel opens with a drenching in red wine and ends with the spilling of blood.