Just by sheer size, materiality, risk and importance, Off-balance sheet financing rates a number 6.
Certainly bad loans at Chinese Banks and massive off-balance sheet debt in the financial sector are legitimate worries.
Banks avoided rules requiring them to put aside capital, by warehousing vast sums off-balance sheet with disastrous results.
As Whitney shows, these off-balance sheet numbers are an incredible three times the size of all on-balance sheet debt, totaling $2 trillion.
Intermediary business, especially risk and judgment and control of off-balance sheet activities has become the focus of the attention of the central and commercial Banks.
Some “new” loans also represent a shift to the formal banking sector from off-balance sheet vehicles and from the informal loan market which flourished when credit quotas were in place.
Some "new" loans also represent a shift to the formal banking sector from off-balance sheet vehicles and from the informal loan market which flourished when credit quotas were in place.
Legislation that was provoked by the misbehaviour of giants such as Enron imposes its heaviest burdens on Main Street firms that know nothing about the wonders of off-balance-sheet trickery.
Even those Banks that are in good shape may want to hold back amid uncertainty over capital-adequacy requirements and accounting rules for off-balance-sheet assets.
That number more than quintupled because Fannie got to recognize the income from all the mortgages that it previously held off balance sheet.
All the same, Bedford thinks the fears about the bad loans lurking off the balance sheet are overblown.
What's more, the temptation to resolve future crises using these "off-balance-sheet" methods has only got bigger.
Bad debts, risks lurking off the balance sheet, and a wave of potential takeovers of weak Banks all sound distant.
For the first time, Basel III will also be introducing a new, internationally applied, leverage ratio requirement that includes firms' off balance sheet commitments and exposures.
Lehman exploited a loophole in accounting rules to sell assets, getting them off its balance sheet even as it was obligated to repurchase them a short while later.
Instead, once you add in off-balance-sheet lending, the total for 2010 will be essentially unchanged from 2009.
Again, there are parallels with the subprime crisis, where mortgage-backed securities were warehoused in off-balance-sheet ventures.
Meanwhile, the off-balance-sheet commitments disclosed, like undrawn loans and letters of credit, shot up.
Furthermore, possibly making matters worse are proposed accounting-rule changes that, if adopted, will prompt Banks in 2010 to bring some off-balance-sheet assets back onto their books.
Its most exciting finding relates to an off-balance-sheet accounting gimmick.
Even those in good shape may want to hold back given uncertainty over capital requirements and accounting rules for off-balance-sheet assets.
It all sounds suspiciously like the subprime mortgage boom, when Banks parked illiquid assets in off-balance-sheet vehicles.
The report singles out Lehman as one of the last Wall Street institutions to engage in "repo" deals aimed at moving assets off its balance sheet.
But the law — the SEC requires that they at least present the standard earnings definitions for all these things Now another — let me just mention off balance sheet accounting.
But he was slow to see the risks lurking within Banks and their off-balance - sheet vehicles.
That rise has come at the same time as a fall in commercial-paper issuance by off-balance-sheet conduits typically sponsored by Banks.
That rise has come at the same time as a fall in commercial-paper issuance by off-balance-sheet conduits typically sponsored by Banks.