Members then browse available cars located in their area, arrange a key swap, and off you go.
One key is to make sure you've safely stowed it in the fridge within two hours of coming off the heat: If you eat a casserole at 5, make sure the leftovers are in the fridge by 7 p.m.
A key factor hurting these trades is that if a plan goes through, there would be little doubt Greece could pay off the bonds it has issued that mature in April and May.
If another key stroke comes in before the timer goes off, the original timer is canceled and a new timer is created.
One thing for sure, no matter how it comes off, we all need social support as a key strategy to keep it off!! What do you think about this?
But when they are off key or sing at the wrong pitch, the device will exaggerate their mistake so that they can hear it in a pair of earphones they are wearing.
One of the key aspects of the system architect's role is to weigh up conflicting requirements and decide on a solution, often by trading off one aspect against another.
An application security posture questionnaire, a detailed worksheet that helps extract key information about the security posture of off-the-shelf software.
The key to the solution is the option of high availability configurations based on Power virtualization, which allows applications to automatically be moved off of a failing machine to a backup.
You may be able to key off something said by the introducer or open your presentation with a humorous story or anecdote that relates to the context of the meeting.
One thing for sure, no matter how it comes off, we all need social support as a key strategy to keep it off!
KEY LARGO, Fla. - The newborn calf of a deaf bottlenose dolphin that was found stranded last fall off a Florida beach died Friday at a marine mammal rehabilitation center.
In theory, this could one day provide a key component of any nanoscale electrical circuit-a way to mechanically turn the current on and off or change its direction.
Step off the key-locked elevator into a home where steel, glass, stone and wood mingle to stunning effect, yielding an experience that is at once striking and serene.
One of the key trends is that the number of new bidders is still increasing and many of them are not afraid to buy something that, a few years ago, would have been considered a little off-beat.
Just grab a few key people in your organization, turn off the phones and let's get started.
British billionaire Sir Richard Branson showed off a key piece of his fledgling commercial space program, unveiling a spacecraft designed to launch a passenger-carrying spaceship.
At their core, they all express the following belief: the key to living a remarkable life is mustering the courage to step off the "safe path."
Kieran Trippier has begun a month's loan with Championship play-off hopefuls Barnsley, who have a key match at rivals Middlesbrough tonight.
FM makes you go off an get an application key which has to be copied and pasted into a box before you can access your Facebook Settings.
而在你能使用Ping .fm访问你的facebook设置之前,你需要一个应用码(applicationkey)然后将它复制到一个方框中。
The third command creates a 1024-bit Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) key (-b 1024 -t dsa), turns off output (-q), and specifies the name of the key and that there is no password.
第三个命令创建了一个 1024位的DigitalSignatureAlgorithm (DSA)密钥(-b 1024-t dsa),关闭输出(-q),指定密钥的名称,在这里不指定密码。
Note that if the physical file is keyed (perhaps because it has a Primary key constraint), its index will also be moved on or off of SSD with these commands.
In a terrific 2009 essay called "Crap Detection 101" (riffing off a long-ago line from Ernest Hemingway), he wrote about some of the ways to check things out. Here's a key quote.
Since quick acceleration over a short distance is the key to winning a short race, Piazza says the trade-off makes sense for sprinters.
A key priority was to build up their physical strength, an area in which they had come off second best against their rivals.
Cheers! A key ingredient found in beer, effective against a respiratory virus, may help ward off winter sniffles and cold, a new study suggests.
The host's immune system may be overreacting and killing off too many cells, and that may be a key contributor to what makes this virus more pathogenic.
The host's immune system may be overreacting and killing off too many cells, and that may be a key contributor to what makes this virus more pathogenic.