Well, the sign on my store says the hours are ten to six, but if business is slower than usual, I can just lock up and take off early.
It was all well and good to let them strike the first blow, but if they hit us hard below the belt, we should take an ax and cut their hands off.
Take hold of a sentence that he says. Shake it well till all the words drop off.
抓住他说的句子好好咀嚼直至每一个词都消化.剩下来的 将点燃你的心灵.
I said it was all well and good to let them strike the first blow, but if they hit us hard below the belt, we should take a meat ax and cut their hands off.
So when you're pissed off about your grade, the person to take it up with... well, take it up with them.
Take advantage of this opportunity to show off your dynamic personality as well as your skills.
Well-meaning friends or family might advise us to get up and take a walk, or worse, shake it off - and we can't!
The aircraft industry, once plagued by accidents, uses them particularly well—not only to make sure that pilots take off safely but also to learn from disasters.
Despite Mr Hague's quick wit, Mr Blair might have come off well; but since he was heading for a landslide victory anyway, he saw no reason to take the risk.
And positive feedback is one of the things that's central to the whole idea of swarm intelligence as well. (Unintelligible) take off very fast.
The middle classes, however defined, must take their share too, and paying well-off people to look after their children is silly.
The farmer peered down into the well, and was astounded by what he saw.With every shovel-full of dirt that hit his back, the donkey would shake it off and take a step up on the new layer of dirt.
Don't roll your eyes and say, "Yeah, right," or shrug it off. Take it to heart and respond positively (" Thank you "and a smile works well).
The well-off not only have much higher take-home pay than the rank-and-file but also tend to be the ones who have access to the benefits of hoarded corporate cash.
She may well be right if the iPad and other tablet computers take off, the prices of dedicated e-readers such as Amazon's Kindle keep falling and more consumers start reading books on smart-phones.
RICH Abu Dhabi wants to build a non-oil economy and create the kinds of jobs that well-off Emiratis are prepared to take.
During production of industrial water, filtration of a take-off of the clear run can be used to save valuable drinking or well water.
Who, for his death before the well was fully prepared, they take off with her bright green outfit, put on the golden to the continuation of their lives.
Well placed Reactors (Power Plants) and such can help block off opponent attacks and keep Buzzer Hives safe while they take out infantry.
The trick to get out of the well is to stop wailing, and not let the dirt bury you, but to shake it off and take a step up.
It's been equipped with landing and take-off decks, a radar system, artillery, as well as missile system among other features.
Well, if I had a cool cowboy hat like that, I probably wouldn't take it off either.
I take the knife, I go in, I cut off the ring hand of famine, and I meet you back here in the parking lot. Well, that sounds foolproof.
Well, he had a bad fall and broke his shoulder. So he had to take some days off.
Nicole: Well, I want to go to Tahiti, but nothing's certain. Of course, I wanted to ask if I could take a little time off from work.
Lily: you don't look too well. Maybe you should take the day off from work.
Lily: you don't look too well. Maybe you should take the day off from work.