AS an 18 year Midshipman in HMAS Australia in 1940, we spent time off Bear Island, well above the Arctic Circle and so I qualified for this Award.
As we inhale the delicious aromas, we might think we are as hungry as a bear and could eat a horse, and then order too much food off the menu.
When the bear puts his tail into the water through a hole in the ice, to try and catch a fish, the ice freezes around it, and he ends up pulling his tail off.
Do bear in mind, though, that at this time of year the weather is very changeable and if the cloud suddenly descends, it's all too easy to wander off the track.
He picked up where I left off. "Whether it's an actual bear or a bear market, there's a perfect way to handle the situation: Don't panic."
But David said to Saul, "Your servant has been keeping his father's sheep." When a lion or a bear came and carried off a sheep from the flock.
Now it was the weapons of finance that he used, cornering shares and launching blistering bear raids to beat off equally merciless rivals.
An Alaskan brown bear nods off in the river after catching some salmon.
If the bear is really deep, rallies off the bottom can be explosive and end quickly.
The polar bear on the melting ice flow has become an iconic picture of the decade, business has painted itself green, we've changed our lightbulbs and wind power has taken off.
He takes a dog and tracks down a bear in the forest, kills it and chops off the PAWS.
It would not do to have the arm fall off a statue because the shoulder could not bear the weight. I was surprised to see how many statues have visible supports, which detracted from the aesthetics.
He bear-hugged Higuain so tightly he almost lifted the striker clear off the ground, and he protested a late foul by Messi so vociferously you'd think the refs were Italian tax collectors.
A few years back, according to Roman A. Chikachov, a game warden in Blagoveschensk, Russian hunters took to passing off the more common wild boar gallbladders as bear gallbladders.
据Blagoveschensk的一位猎场管理员Romana . Chikachov所说,几年前,俄罗斯猎人们用更常见的野猪胆来仿冒熊胆。
Miles surprised the kid with a bear hug from the rear that lifted him off the ground.
In this image by Paul Nicklen, a polar bear swims in icy water off the northern tip of Baffin Island, a tactic the bears often use to surprise prey.
Bolt was in relaxed mood before the race, showing off to the cameras and wearing a t-shirt bearing the phrase "Ich Bin Ein Berlino", in reference to Berlino the bear, the event's mascot.
Bear Stearns, for example, was supposed to have solid, tangible collateral standing behind some of its debts, so that certain lenders would be paid off no matter what. It didn't, and they weren't.
Finally we were up and over the pass. With farewell smiles and bear hugs from each, the three friends dropped me off in the bleak town of Sary-Tash.
最后我们终于通过了山口,我们微笑着拥抱告别,三位朋友把我放在荒凉的Sary -Tash小镇上。
Again, you can turn off all these alerts if you cannot bear to turn your smartphone off altogether for a few hours.
Some people can't bear it, so they choose to break off with them. They hold the idea: out of sight, out of mind.
They finished off the wounded bear .
On the third day I took courage: at least, I couldn't bear longer suspense, and stole off once more.
And only if breaking through this kind of mechanism that parties bear whole failure risk, could it transmit and get off the strong signal, could it accomplish the real threat.
Heyerdahl knew that the trade winds and ocean currents off the South-American coastline bear in the direction of Polynesia.
A fox who hid himself behind a tree not far away and was watching the fight between the lion and the bear, came out and walked in between them, and ran off with the kid.
A fox who hid himself behind a tree not far away and was watching the fight between the lion and the bear, came out and walked in between them, and ran off with the kid.