We can never afford to take time off from work to enjoy the things in life that we really want to, because our bills are so high.
Learn to switch off from work by leaving the office, switch off the BlackBerry, and do not take any calls at a certain time after work.
Of course, I wanted to ask if I could take a little time off from work.
Lily: you don't look too well. Maybe you should take the day off from work.
Their father couldn't take time off from work to visit his son in the hospital.
My husband was enjoying the day off from work and watched me scurry about the house.
People who step out for coffee or a smoke are, by definition, taking time off from work.
And when it rains or snows, I'll have the perfect excuse to take the day off from work.
New York man was forced to take a day off from work to appear for a minor traffic summons.
He has been laid off from work. On the plus side, he was able to spend time with the kids.
John:Tom. We had dinner last night. He said Alan was going to take some time off from work to visit.
A saved personal day off from work, so when the mood strikes, you can just stay in and get jobs in bed.
Workers should be permitted to exit and re-enter the dormitory freely during their personal time off from work.
Then again, there are those who don't care except that they get time off from work and have to buy people gifts.
In India, employees get 16 federal holidays off from work and employers are only required to offer 12 vacation days.
He was black, and an Arkansan through and through-he always wanted to take the first day of deer season off from work.
"I just like to stay in and watch movies when I'm off from work, " says Gong, who describes himself as an indoor person.
Indeed, the next time you feel guilty about enjoying a lazy Sunday, or taking a day off from work for the heck of it, think again.
Ironically, a few weeks later he called to tell me that he had fallen ill from exhaustion and had to take a week off from work.
B Instead of Chinese summer vacation and winter vacation, Americans have two or three weeks off from work specifically for vacations.
Everyone will have a-seven days off from work or study, except for some special industry, because we can't make everything stopped.
Nicole: Well, I want to go to Tahiti, but nothing's certain. Of course, I wanted to ask if I could take a little time off from work.
Families were to receive assistance when working father died. People laid off from work were to be helped until they found new jobs.
But Zhou's father became ill and his mother was laid off from work. His family cannot afford the fees demanded by the football school.
Hopefully, you've soon got some time off from work, school, or other responsibilities, allowing you to try each of the above creations.
Hopefully, you've soon got some time off from work, school, or other responsibilities, allowing you to try each of the above creations.