When a natural gas network is done off-line numerical simulation, every pipeline needs be distributed initiatory flow as the initiatory value of iterative computation.
Compared with traditional off-line and other on-line detection technologies, optical imaging technology is a great breakthrough in the SF6 gas leakage detection.
相对于传统的非在线检测和其它在线检测技术来说,光学成像技术在SF 6气体泄漏检测方面,是一个比较大的突破。
Compared with traditional off-line and other on-line detection technologies, optical imaging technology is a great breakthrough in the SF6 gas leakage detection.
相对于传统的非在线检测和其它在线检测技术来说,光学成像技术在SF 6气体泄漏检测方面,是一个比较大的突破。