His friends tell him that he sings off key but he doesn't care.
Instead it would "fuzz" the singer's voice to disguise the fact they are off key.
The dancing Chinese women were kinda freaky, but the little girl was cute if horribly off key.
The ship was intentionally sunk in 1987 off Key Largo to create an artificial reef 120 feet deep.
BA and AA are seeking anti-trust immunity because it will enable them to squeeze existing Heathrow-US competitors off key routes.
Some consumers put off key purchases for so long that eventually they must come around when they see good deals on store shelves.
Geographically closer to Havana than Miami, the coral reef-filled waters off Key West often resemble those found in the Caribbean.
But when they are off key or sing at the wrong pitch, the device will exaggerate their mistake so that they can hear it in a pair of earphones they are wearing.
Moe was having fun banging the drums and singing off-key.
Sometimes the epithets seemed completely off-key.
Members then browse available cars located in their area, arrange a key swap, and off you go.
Another reason that you aren't asked to confirm starting your car or buying groceries is that these operations are easy to undo. You just turn off the key or return the unwanted item.
What you ought to do is, let's turn off the key, get out of the car, shut the doors, open the doors, get back in and restart it.
Nina pulls Jamey off decoding the key card to help forensics on the unidentified body.Jamey is clearly disappointed that Nina brought in Milo, an outside contractor, to work on the key card.
Nina pulls Jamey off decoding the key card to help forensics on the unidentified body. Jamey is clearly disappointed that Nina brought in Milo, an outside contractor, to work on the key card.
The key to pulling this method off then is to make sure your two colors really contrast.
When working with MapReduce, the map function's job is to pick some value to work off of, along with some key.
当使用MapReduce 进行处理时,map函数的任务是选择一些要处理的值,以及一些键。
One thing for sure, no matter how it comes off, we all need social support as a key strategy to keep it off!! What do you think about this?
This means that if someone cracked the mathematics of the key exchange, they'd be no better off to decrypt another session.
Historically, code tokens have been confined to little devices, like ones that hang off many corporate employees' key chains.
Humming among musicians was only one key off original recordings, while non-musicians were off by two keys.
One thing for sure, no matter how it comes off, we all need social support as a key strategy to keep it off!
Likewise, other rates that key off Treasury rates — foreign bond and corporate bond yields, for example — could rise.
You may be able to key off something said by the introducer or open your presentation with a humorous story or anecdote that relates to the context of the meeting.
The rules at the load balancer are then updated to key off these names and associate the proper back-end servers.
Step off the key-locked elevator into a home where steel, glass, stone and wood mingle to stunning effect, yielding an experience that is at once striking and serene.
Step off the key-locked elevator into a home where steel, glass, stone and wood mingle to stunning effect, yielding an experience that is at once striking and serene.