Another trend is off-site or virtual management, where teams of people linked by e-mail and the Internet work on projects from their own houses.
After several months of work, Apple held an off-site for all the engineering groups working on OS X to gather a status report.
Another sign that the work world is changing is the increasing number of telecommuters, job-sharing, and off-site arrangements.
That's because rugged outdoor challenges can topple rigid office hierarchies and encourage the sort of camaraderie often missing from traditional off-site work events.
But things didn't work out? The dog needed a yard where he could run off the leash? And his picture went up on the Dirk's Fund Web site.
The Contractor shall, as soon as practicable after receipt of the termination order, also cease all such further work as is being done off the Site in the performance of this Contract.
Can be asked to work for off site admin duties.
Article 13 the lender shall conduct due diligence by both on-site and off-site means, work out a written report and be responsible for the authenticity, completeness and validity thereof.
But things didn't work out? The dog needed a yard where he could run off the leash? And his picture went up on the Dirk's Fund Web site.
After months of work, Canon USA today took the wraps off of its newly redesigned e-commerce site.
After months of work, Canon USA today took the wraps off of its newly redesigned e-commerce site.