The student received low marks for his essay, as much of it was off the point.
The base will serve as a jumping-off point for troops going out into the country areas.
A one-point rise in immigration made the native-born slightly worse off in Austria, Belgium, Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Sweden and Switzerland.
At its highest point, it is 175 meters off the ground.
In America, a one-percentage point increase in the proportion of immigrants in the population made the native-born 0.05% better off.
I think it would be great to have a neighborhood party serve as a kicking off point for trick-or-treating in the neighborhood.
Take a moment to contemplate the exquisite level of precision required to pull this off, if we think about the loop as “starting” at one point.
What’s the point of giving the country’s workers Monday off if they just reschedule all the pointless meetings on Tuesday?
However, my questioners do make a good point: you should not pay off the house as your only savings strategy.
"Despite the recession, on average, Britons are financially and materially better off than at any other point in history," he told the conference in Birmingham.
Still unsolved is what makes the bees fly off into the wild yonder at the point of death.
If a user leaves the page and later returns in the same browser session, he will be returned to the same point where he left off in the application.
Everything from the decimal point over gets chopped off.
This page usually presents summarized information that is tailored to the user and serves as a jumping off point to access the other functionality in the application.
This will help you avoid falling into the trap of contrived language that turns off the readers - sometimes to the point where they shred your MRD and feed the shreds through the shredder again!
The museum is also using loans as a jumping-off point for shows from the permanent collection, as in its current exhibition of Paul Cézanne’s card-player paintings.
博物馆开始策划永久性藏品的展览,而这些展览也会用到一些借来的展品,比如现在正在展出的保罗 塞尚的关于打牌人的绘画作品展。
The museum is also using loans as a jumping-off point for shows from the permanent collection, as in its current exhibition of Paul Cézanne's card-player paintings.
Even though customers will hate it at first, the average smartphone user is better off at this point.
Descendants of the ancient group live in Hervey Bay, the main stepping-off point for Fraser Island.
After five or ten minutes of what I thought was a serious conversation, Roger cut it off and got to the point.
At some point, you've got to get off the tricycle of only believing in what you can see.
Europeans, Africans, and Arabs in particular, are put off by the straight-to-the -point style of North American business communication.
Europeans, Africans, and Arabs in particular, are put off by the straight-to-the-point style of North American business communication.
Smaller Asian navies are expanding as a counterbalance to the big powers, and they have an interest in keeping hands off the choke-point of the Malacca Strait.
Still, many economists have shaved a percentage point off growth estimates for the year, to between 6% and 7%.
But we have put the sign up at the drop-off point because it is not a very big area and it often gets busy with lots of traffic.
By turning the computer off at a certain point every day, you are giving yourself the freedom to escape that trap.
By turning the computer off at a certain point every day, you are giving yourself the freedom to escape that trap.