As a developer you can now offer a lower price to a school when they buy your app in quantity.
The most effective tools for a seller to gain a customer are to offer a lower price and better services than his competitor.
This is because the tendency of the buyer would be to go to another dealer and the other one will probably offer a lower price thus, the first dealer loses the buyer to the second dealer.
Many airlines and hotels will offer you a lower rate if the price for your trip falls after you've booked it.
What's more, Apple's rules dictate that publications can't offer these same subscriptions at a lower price outside the App Store.
Shareholders of Clear Channel Communications, an American media firm, will on July 24th vote on a revised offer with a lower price and debt level.
To be frank with you, if it weren't for our long and good relations, we wouldn't consider making you a firm offer at a price lower than we offer to others.
Customers can be lured away by sites that offer the same product at a lower price.
We feel regretful that we can't accept your offer, for we are purchasing the products of the same quality from other suppliers at a price lower 5% than yours.
We feel regretful that we can't accept your offer, for we are purchasing the products of the same quality from other suppliers at a price lower 5% than yours.