VJC AW08 Limited Edition Tee I can ask warehouse to send the 5 styles (3 for men's 2 for women's) and the packaging to SH office to let you take photos.
When a young employee was left paraplegic and depressed after a car accident, Ella gave an office job and refused to let her drop out of college.
Just as e-commerce made it possible for people to shop in the office and late at night, mobile phones let them shop anywhere.
In order not to let them down Tao even USES her spare time to improve her performance in the office.
The second is that the real power of the office to affect, let alone control, events is far less than imagined.
Jim Gartenberg, 35, a commercial real estate broker with an office on the 86th floor of 1 World Trade Center, kept calling his wife Jill to let her know he was O.K. but trapped.
It is office taboo to exceed you authority. So report to your superior in time and let him do the summaries and make the decisions.
Even if colleagues have been let go, workers are often surprised when it's their turn to get called into the boss's office.
EXAMPLE: To let him know I am available if he needs me, I like to ping my colleague in our office on the other side of town every morning by sending him a short e-mail.
Let me hasten to add that my office quickly added a heap of storage, and those emails don't go out anymore!
Dobrin's office is a few miles from our home, and Mike agreed to let me and Ed give the Advanced Parking Guidance System a try.
I used to let my office space get disorganized and messy. It would stay that way for a few weeks, and then I'd dedicate an entire Saturday to reorganizing all the paper and materials I had neglected.
Amid holiday travel planning, online shopping, and in-office good cheer, it's too easy to let the actual work slide until after the holidays.
For aid workers (let alone recipients) there was no easy way to talk to head office.
CTS Beijing kindly let us borrow their telephone to call their Chongqing office.
I want to extend my congratulations to the class of 2007, wish you well and let you know you have a friend in the Speaker's office.
Veronica and Nick stand at the front desk of a records office. They urge a bitter clerk to let them see the original tape of the murder.
When a young employee was left paraplegic and depressed after a car accident, Ella gave her a computer and an office job and refused to let her drop out of college.
Home Office boffins justify the six-year retention of innocents’ DNA with research showing that people who are let off after an arrest are more likely than the general public to be rearrested.
One would let an alleged infringer of a patent challenge its validity at the patent and Trademark Office (PTO), rather than going to court.
To those educationists who disapprove of testing, let Myers be a lesson to you, and to me, as I sit down in her new office (passing five girls waiting nervously outside the door).
Kal is very excited to let us all know that he found out in December that he will be joining the Office of the Public Liaison for the White House.
If, however, your company wants to use microblogging at the office, there are tools designed for businesses that let you do just this. Yammer and present.ly.
但如果你的公司想使用微博客平台,不妨试试Yammer和present . ly。
In terms of bullies, I should have reported them - anonymously - to the school office. You can stop them if you let the right people know.
Or let to determine if not missed him down, even the office window, a fast food restaurant landing.
Nobody wished to let others know he saw nothing, for then he would have been unfit for his office or too stupid.
If you love a woman has the dedication to work, you have to respect her, let her back in the office, she must have a plan on her career and life plans.
KEVIN: No, we will have work to do at the office. We will let you make the jokes.
Connie: OK. I'll let you know if I happen to see any vacant office space in a good spot.
FRANKLIN: it did? Let 's go get it! Maybe Dad can drive us to the post office. Will it fit into our car? How big is it?