Official reserves have fallen by $160 billion, or 25%, since August.
Much the same point applies to the holders of Asian official reserves.
The steady increase in China's official reserves has made it the U. S. 's largest single creditor.
To many people the supremacy of the greenback in commerce, commodity pricing and official reserves cannot be sensible.
The banking system was strong; so was the balance of payments (official reserves covered about eight months '-worth of imports).
At its launch in 1999, its constituent currencies-the mark, franc, lira, etc-accounted for less than a fifth of the world's official reserves.
The Special Drawing Right (SDR) is an international reserve asset, created by the IMF in 1969 to supplement its member countries' official reserves.
The official reserves are separated from enterprise reserves strictly, so as to ensure the petroleum of the official reserves storehouse accurate on quantity and quality.
We have built three scenarios for the official reserves, assuming that there will be a 30:70 split between money going to the official reserves and to SWFs and private entities.
The trade surplus pours a steady stream of foreign-currency export earnings into China, funds the central bank buys up in exchange for local currency and holds in its official reserves.
Similarly, it does not make much sense for the G7, supposedly the world's main economic club, to discuss currencies when China, which holds the largest official reserves, is not a member.
The trade surplus pours a steady stream of foreign-currency export earnings into China, funds which the central bank buys up in exchange for local currency and holds in its official reserves.
It is notable that the much-vaunted official purchases of gold over the past year are mainly by countries such as China and Russia - and, to a lesser extent, Mexico - with big excess reserves.
In the past couple of weeks the RBI seems to have resumed intervention, with official figures showing another big jump in foreign-currency reserves in late May.
Capital flows from official sources, plus tapping foreign reserves, will help fill the gap in some countries, but in others, there will-of necessity-be sharp and abrupt macro adjustments.
The big news is that in June the Potential gas Committee, a semi-official body, revised its estimates of America's gas reserves, raising them 39% above its assessment in 2006.
They contend that official statistics showing limited bank exposure to nonperforming loans are credible, and that bank reserves to handle these loans are ample.
Furthermore, when reserves decline, the official sales of dollars for renminbi reduce local currency liquidity in the domestic financial system.
Authorities confirmed Tuesday that captive animals in two of China's major panda reserves were alive, according to Xinhua, China's official news agency.
Authorities confirmed Tuesday that captive animals in two of China's major panda reserves were alive, according to Xinhua, China's official news agency.