"There was no way to stop it."—"Oh yeah? Well, here's something else you won't be able to stop."
Oh, how do I know if it points in that direction on the opposite one? Well, that depends.
I have some people that say I am not doing this well, oh, forget it. No, keep going.
Some people think it got into the Canon precisely because some people claimed, oh well it's really by Paul after all.
Don't think too hard about unwritten rules like 'oh I went on a date so now I wont contact him for 3-4 days' If it went well contact the person the day after!
不要有一些不成文的规定,诸如“哦,我和他约会了,那么现在我将会3 4天不和他联系”如果约会顺利的话后天就和对方联系!
"Can you believe it... I'm in economy! Oh well can't change the habit of a lifetime," he tweeted.
Michael: Oh, well, I knew it when I was a child, but I've been in the closet all my life.
Daniel: Oh, no, it was a kind of pop art. I like it but I couldn't do it that well.
Oh dear. The lavender is not doing very well at all. Maybe it's because the pot is too small. Maybe it's because it got cold a few nights, or I didn't water it often enough.
But more often than not I hear the same response: "Oh, well, it seems that your coming of age wasn't at all different from ours; you got drunk, you smoked, went to parties, got into trouble."
You've already set your mind to 'becoming serious with someone'. You're not thinking 'Oh well I'll just see how things work out between the two of us in the long run and just take it slow'.
Oh well, yes, I suppose so - I was doing it to show you how great I am.
CHRIS: Oh, well. So you get the bottom bunk. What about our stereos? It looks like we both brought our stereos. Probably we only have room for one.
Mother: Oh, not at all well, but there, it wasn't his fault. They asked him things that happened before the poor boy was born.
Jack: oh, oh well I can understand it, kid. Well come on, Mary, we'll be late for the RACES.
Oh, well, you should lock the doors and turn the security system on when you leave, but it really isn't too bad.
When you blame someone else, or shrug your shoulders and say, "Oh, everybody's doing it", or "Well, it was just a little sin," or "Nobody saw me," those are all ways to cover your sin.
Rita: Oh, it was so easy. Why didn't you do well on it?
May: Oh, fresh juice, I love it. Well, I heard American people love hanging out in bars. Is that true?
Oh, poor you. You know what? I found a new way to learn Chinese and it works very well.
May: Cool. Thanks. (Jimmy brings May a glass of orange juice.) Oh, fresh juice, I love it. Well, I heard American people love hanging out in bars. Is that true?
Oh, did he really? Well, you've just used a perfect phrase –to lie through your teeth' –it means to tell someone something that's completely untrue.
Oh, hello Tony. How's the exhibition? Is it going well?
Oh, hello Tony. How's the exhibition? Is it going well?