The main oil-bearing layer is Shahejie Formation.
And area of oil-bearing and geology reserves continually increased.
Ordos Basin; Zhengzhuang Area; the Chang-6 oil-bearing beds; Reservoir.
The Jinggu basin in Yunnan is the smallest oil-bearing basin in the world.
Growth was seen in the output of oil-bearing crops, sugar, tea and fruits.
Energy cropping The growth of plants to be used for energy needs (i. E. Wood, oil-bearing plants).
The inference can be proved by the artificial oil mixing test and oil-bearing sand serial extraction.
The results show that there is a noticeable correlativity between gas logging data and oil-bearing reservoirs.
According to the theory of fluid seepage flow, oil-bearing productivity was predicted using the productivity index per meter.
In the process of reserve calculation using volumetric method, to confirm oil-bearing area is in fact to calculate polygon area.
The experimental result shows that the organic cationic type oil removal agent is good for solving this kind of oil-bearing wastewater treatment problems.
Oil recovery efficiency can be raised by injecting a lignosulfonate solution into the oil-bearing reservoir, for lignosulfonate is a kind of anionic surfactant.
On the basis of comprehensive appraisal, the author predicts the thickness distribution of major oil-bearing sandstone in Moxizhuang Area via seismic inversion.
An economic appraisal on the petroleum exploration and development in a small oil-bearing basin in China is carried out based on its geological and engineering appraisal.
To certain extent, therefore, the thickness of the oil-bearing interval as well as the volume and permeability of the fracture porosity are also influenced by principal curvatures.
Wennan oilfield is complex fault-block oilfield with cracked structures, deep oil-bearing formations, high pressure coefficient, low penetrability and much more oil-bearing series.
The dawsonite in oil-bearing reservoir was identified accurately with X-ray diffraction method for the first time in China, and its diffraction characteristics was given in detail.
The quantitative reservoir model and differential distribution model of oil-bearing strata have a great significance in the oil and gas exploration of gravity flow channel sediments.
Ordos basin is the second depositional basin and significant resource base in China. It is characteristic of widespread, mass oil-bearing stratum, great oil layer thickness and so on.
Analysis results of a number of testing data indicated that: sandstone reservoir of Fu-Yang oil-bearing layer has lower composition maturity, mainly are feldspathic arenite and lithic arkose.
These methods are put into practical use with good results. The application of analytic tecnology to identify oil-bearing reservoir has the advantages of low cost, high speed and high accuracy.
For the granule oil-bearing wastewater that is difficult to separate, a new device of air dissolution releasing column is developed based on the air dissolution floatation and column floatation.
Oil saturation is one of the important parameters to evaluate fluid property and oil-bearing occurrence in a reservoir, which is mainly calculated by geochemical pyrolysis value, porosity and so on.
含油饱和度是评价储层流体性质及含油性的重要参数之一,含油饱和度的求取主要是靠地化热解值、 孔隙度等参数。
Other possible reasons include problems with the oil pump, rod and main bearing clearances, camshaft stopping playing, or cam bearings and lifters.
Other possible reasons include problems with the oil pump, rod and main bearing clearances, camshaft stopping playing, or cam bearings and lifters.