Oil duct strut insulation material is stuck by rectangular strut and adhesive diamond pattern insulating paper with special adhesive.
油道撑条带 油道撑条绝缘材料是由矩形撑条与涂胶菱格绝缘纸使用特种胶粘剂粘贴而成;
The transformer transposed cable with oil duct and its characteristics are presented. The equipment to produce transposing cables is introduced.
This paper discusses the influence of the design mode on insulation system including solid insulation and insulation liquid, and carries out the heat analysis of winding and oil duct.
Ther right crankcase is an important part of the motorcycle, the quality direct influence engine performance and vehicle quality, and the processing requirements of the oil duct hole is higher.
If the excitation of the shock absorber is greater, the control piston moves to its limit position so that oil ceases flowing through the bypass duct, meaning that the full damping force is available.
Suitable for Petrochemical, Mining, Vessels, Boilers, Piping and Duct, Pumps and Valves, Flanges, for Steam, mineral oils, heat transfer oils, hydraulic oil, fuel, water, seawater, freshwater etc.
Some useful formulas for convection calculation of vertical and horizontal duct are given. So temperature decrease at the surface of discs and temperature rise of oil flow can be obtained.
The start-up burners for igniting circulating fluidized bed boiler or combustion-supporting with oil under low load mainly include over-bed start-up burner, in-duct burner and bed lance.
The start-up burners for igniting circulating fluidized bed boiler or combustion-supporting with oil under low load mainly include over-bed start-up burner, in-duct burner and bed lance.