Gold, oil, the euro and equities are all rising as much as the dollar declines.
Oil futures and gold futures climbed.
No one will be allowed to control more than 25% of deliverable US supply for these commodities, which include oil, corn and gold, unless they are hedging for "bona fide" commercial purposes.
The commodity price boom has extended beyond the mainstream areas of oil, gold, copper and grains into speciality metals.
The prices of many commodities have fallen, while oil, gold, silver - the big speculative games - have been quietly cooling off.
After the gold came citrus, oil, property, lettuce (" green gold "), aircraft and, most recently, Silicon Valley.
The dollar reached record low levels against major currencies and oil and gold prices attained historic peak levels.
The prices of gold, oil and other commodities will continue their upward march.
More salient, perhaps, in a world mad for mineral resources, Central Asia seems to have plenty, especially oil, gas and gold.
The dollar has long been the global benchmark for commodities pricing, from oil to gold to iron ore, and all of the world's most important indexes are still priced in the greenback.
Commodities such as gold, silver, oil and copper are benefiting because the dollar is weaker against other currencies.
Unlike oil, gold and other commodities, carbon credits have no existence outside the registries' databanks.
Keen not to depict themselves as a purely Tuareg movement, the rebels say they want a fairer slice of the country's wealth, especially from its gold, oil and uranium, all found in the north.
Down goes the dollar and the Treasury bond.up goes gold, oil, stocks and interest rates.
The dry western chaco has no gold or oil, though wars were fought on the supposition it did; the east is more fertile, but still poor.
And the sell-off was not just reserved for equities -- oil and gold, which normally act as a storage of wealth, also fell as worried investors put all their money in cash.
Broadly it means that when the dollar weakens such that the price of gold spikes, what is limited capital seeks safe-haven in hard, unproductive assets like gold, oil, art and property.
In the next few days, the dollar was followed downwards by the prices of all sorts of assets, including shares, bonds, gold, industrial metals and oil.
A corporate tax rate of 9% except for the exploration and exploitation of natural resources, timber, oil, mines, gold, and precious stones which shall be set in separate laws.
The higher the price of gold, silver, copper, oil and agricultural foodstuffs - the higher the tax on consumption must be.
After all, we need oil, wood, gold, diamonds, coltan, copper.
Collect the Black Gold a bladder collects the oil, which crews pick up later to recycle.
Federal Reserve Bank credit is up 38% the past three months, while stocks are up only 8%, oil over 20%, and gold 10%. Think about that relationship for a moment or two.
Federal Reserve Bank credit is up 38% the past three months, while stocks are up only 8%, oil over 20%, and gold 10%. Think about that relationship for a moment or two.