Some of the oil will be used for power production, but the bulk will be sold domestically and in the region.
Port Harcourt, capital of Rivers state, is the urban hub of the Niger Delta, where the creeks contain the bulk of Nigeria's vast oil and gas reserves, the biggest in Africa.
So for both wine and oil, emerging economies now account for the bulk of incremental changes in demand and therefore have the biggest influence on prices.
Ships operating with oil or poisonous and harmful liquid in bulk, disposing of consumer sewage, recycling ship waste shall be on record in accordance with the related rules.
Results: By contrast with national standard, some hogwash fat in bulk and Fried oil are abnormal on sense, and that acid value is higher than the maximum value of nation standard.
Systematic changes seen as marked gradients in petroleum bulk composition, component concentrations and molecular indicators have been observed in biodegraded oil columns.
As in the oil sector, India's state-owned companies account for the bulk of natural gas production.
The influence of percentage of gas in oil, slope of side plate, effective bulk modulus, and centrifugal force and gear pair vibration on trapped oil pressure is studied by numerical simulation.
This paper presents a market analysis for oil tankers and bulk carriers in 90's.
Lipids with high PUFAs content are susceptible to oxidation and it is reported that the oxidation of an unsaturated substrate in aqueous solution is different from that in bulk oil.
Lipids with high PUFAs content are susceptible to oxidation and it is reported that the oxidation of an unsaturated substrate in aqueous solution is different from that in bulk oil.