Simultaneously the sealing structure is improved to prevent the oil leakage.
Oil leakage often easily happens to the needle stems when machines are running at great speed.
The crude oil was properly heated and oil leakage was minimized through strengthened management.
Causes for oil leakage at oil depots are analyzed and measures to prevent the accident are presented.
Through taking the measures for the reducer oil leakage, the problems of speed reducer leakage are solved.
The large oilfields should be equipped with the electric dehydrator and monitoring system to prevent oil leakage.
This equipment specially used for engine cylinder block and head of water jacket and oil leakage of tao detection.
Improving measures are put forword against the phenomenon of shaft end seal of oil leakage of centrifugal fan driving unit.
Integrated hydraulic system decreases the pipe connections, oil leakage, and increases the stability and overall beautifies.
The causes for oil leakage in transferring pipeline are analyzed, and concrete countermeasures and precautions are suggested.
Built-in relieve value, prevent damaging the main unit and oil leakage caused by shutting the door by strong pressure or wind.
Structural changes during designing of this machine remove the need for the users to worry about possible oil leakage of the machine.
The problems such as noise, abnormal sound, heat and lubricating oil leakage of front gear box of DF 8b locomotive are analyzed in detail.
The precautions and emergency treatments for hydraulic oil leakage in the medium-plate rolling mill at SISG. are introduced in the article.
The methods for dealing with transformer oil leakage are discussed from the improvement on performance and structure of rubber sealing products.
For many reasons worsening groundwater, water quality by oil leakage into ground water system results in a set of environmental and social issues.
Oil leakage often occurs in reducer due to its blowhole of ventilator jams for a short time while reducer operating under excessive dust condition.
Oil leakage in hydraulic systems of construction cranes may be divided according to their locations into two kinds: hydraulic components leakage and piping leakage.
Based on the simulation model a simulation piston gap, at the end of the valve, the piston rod and sealing ring gap of oil leakage caused by the shock absorber failure.
The wire bundle oil leakage prevention metal terminal for the engine oil injector has simple structure, easy manufacture and low cost, and is simple and easy to operate.
The application of liquid location sensors of magnetostriction in the liquid location measurement and oil leakage alarm of hydraulic station are introduced in this paper.
The reason is analysed for oil leakage of on-load tap-changer. According to the on-site measuring result of this OLTC, some correspondent treatment methods are pointed out.
The hydraulic system adopts the integrated one, which helps to reduce piping connection, eliminate oil leakage, improve the work stability, and beautify the machine appearance.
How to analyse the measured stress wave signal for an oil leakage monitoring system to get the features and the modes of man made leakages is the key problem for accurate detection.
The main reasons to the rotary air pre-heater secondary combustion are related to unstable oil gun combustion, internal oil leakage and insufficient soot-blower steam pressure, etc.
Trough analysing the reason of oil leakage in bearing box of induced draft fan, a new kind of mechanical magnetic oil seal is put forward to prevent oil leakage of induced draft fan.
In 2009, water ingress and oil leakage accidents frequently occurred on the backup oil film bearing in no. 2 Rolling Plant of Angang, which severely restricted the normal production of the mill.
In 2009, water ingress and oil leakage accidents frequently occurred on the backup oil film bearing in no. 2 Rolling Plant of Angang, which severely restricted the normal production of the mill.