The invention provides a swing motor which is provided with a built-in oil passage and used for an underwater manipulator.
But the conventional water shutoff technology not only blocks the water channel, but also oil passage, thus decreases the oil production, and affects the economic effect.
And there must be a permeable reservoir rock, such As sandstone or porous limestone, to provide pAssage and storage for the oil and gAs.
With the ceaseless injection of oil and the migration passage prolonging, the result is that migration force increases and oil comes into little hole near charging point.
It is pointed out that the effective migration passage, secondary migration force and oil-gas filling degree are the most important basic theories to be studied at present.
This oil outlet passage feeds oil from the outlet of the orifice to a space defined under the bottom of the valve housing.
The core displacement experiment found that the retarded acid working fluid has the capacity of opening the oil flow passage, increasing reservoir production and increasing injection.
Fault transport system is the main passage of oil or gas migrating in the vertical direction.
Oil seal: or shaft seal, in machines, a device that prevents the passage of fluids along a rotating shaft.
Fractures is a good passage to oil but bad to water flooding because it can weaken effect of water flooding of Wells which...
Fractures is a good passage to oil but bad to water flooding because it can weaken effect of water flooding of Wells which...