Making the cut, though, could increase the flow of oil spilling into the Gulf by up to 20 percent.
The giant oil company BP says it's preparing a new attempt to stem the flow of oil spilling from a sunken drilling rig in the Gulf of Mexico.
The objact, signifiance, main content, compiling method and approve procedure of emergency plan for oil spilling at sea are introduced in this article.
作业者编制钻井作业、 油田作业《溢油应急计划》的内容,以及《溢油应急计划》审批程序。
On JUNE 2nd the White House announced that BP, an oil firm, would be subject to a criminal investigation over the oil spilling out of the Deepwater Horizon rig.
BP has been battling to stop oil spilling out of the well since an explosion on the Deepwater Horizon rig on April 20, an event which triggered a steep plunge in the firm's share price.
The tanker began spilling oil the moment her outer plating ruptured.
More than 25 tons of oil-eating bacteria and dozens of oil-skimming vessels are being used to remove the slick, after a pipeline explosion and fire on Friday sent tons of crude spilling into the sea.
WITH 500 barrels of hard-set cement now gumming up the Macondo well, a number of inquiries are looking back at the loss of the Deepwater Horizon rig and the subsequent spilling of 5m barrels of oil.
A drunk Exxon oil tanker captain ran the ship aground, spilling 11 million gallons of oil in Alaska's formerly pristine Prince William Sound.
当时,一位醉醺醺的埃克森油轮船长驾船搁浅,将1,100万加仑石油倾入阿拉斯加原本处于原始状态的威廉王子湾(Prince WilliamSound)。
No oil has been spilling from the ruptured well in recent weeks, but several Gulf states continue to back up a perception that both beaches and seafood have been tainted by oil.
A number of inquiries are looking back at the loss of the Deepwater Horizon rig and the subsequent spilling of 5m barrels of oil.
The inner lip and the outer lip respectively prevent oil from spilling, and prevent impurities from entering on different positions, and simultaneously play dual protection to the universal joint.
For a while, the estimate was that this leak was spilling around 5,000 barrels of oil into the Gulf every day.
However, this can cause many problems. In 1 996 the ship, The Sea Empress, ran aground spilling an estimated 70,000 tonnes of oil which has contaminated much valuable natural Welsh coastline.
However, this can cause many problems. In 1 996 the ship, The Sea Empress, ran aground spilling an estimated 70,000 tonnes of oil which has contaminated much valuable natural Welsh coastline.