I'd like a job working with old folk or kids.
This song is based on an old folk tune.
The proposals offer no guarantee that old folk will be able to hang on to their homes.
An old folk remedy, extract from these dark berries appears to block flu viruses in test tube studies.
The last effort to collect Khmer folk tales took place more than 50 years ago. Most of the current storytellers are more than 90 years old, making the preservation of these fables extremely urgent.
It is perfectly possible to frame a law that allows suffering people who are close to death to die quickly and peacefully, if they wish, without declaring open season on old folk.
This is not your grandfather's Snow White. Melisa went back to the 500 year old folk tale and put in some of the things that were missing from Walt Disney's film.
But more women are going out to work, so fewer of them have time to look after old folk and formal help is becoming increasingly important.
He had a public telephone service, so local housekeepers and delivery folk were constantly hovering around his little shop waiting for the phone and chatting with Old Liu.
Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872-1958) was deeply influenced by English folk music, as is shown by his variations on the old tune "Green-sleeves" (which most people consider a folk song).
拉尔夫·沃恩·威廉姆斯 (1872-1958)深受英国民间音乐的影响,比如他对老歌《绿袖子》的改变(很多人都认为这是个民歌)。
Often they are the ones who read to folk at old-age homes.
ENTER Shizuka Kamei’s personal website and the first thing you encounter is a video of the portly 73-year-old straining to sing a Japanese folk song.
ENTER Shizuka Kamei's personal website and the first thing you encounter is a video of the portly 73-year-old straining to sing a Japanese folk song.
Since chronic disease among the poor is not the preserve of old age, another part of the explanation for its increasing importance must lie in the harmful things middle-aged folk do.
But some Valley folk detect hints of the good old bubble days in two imminent IPOs.
Even shepherds and old country-folk, who are the deepest read in these arcana, have not a guess as to the means or purpose of this nightly resurrection.
Cats relaxed when dosed, and nervous old folk became tranquil, with no side effects.
Yet America’s prisons are crammed with old folk.
His budget also chops at Medicare, the government's health plan for the old, cutting payments to providers and making richer old folk pay higher insurance premiums.
With the aim of restoring and reviving the old German folklore, the group not merely performs for the public folk dances, but folk songs and costumes.
New Year pictures is our country's an old folk art, reflect the people's simple customs and beliefs, entrusts they hope for the future.
One is from a Korean film, another's recomposed from an old Chinese folk song, a song that I actually never heard of it.
People in many places are digging up the old folk stories and the messages in them.
In a tranquil house in Shenzhen, a kind looking old man was enjoying his favorite Shanxi folk song.
Old folk legend floral food dishes are birthdays, folklorists to do this is the worship of the ancient crop performance, before liberation Jiaxing have this custom.
Old folk and younghipsters are similarly fond of vinyl and typewriters, and wander about in outsized spectacles.
In her interview with Entertainment Weekly for our new cover story, she said she doesn't think the criticism fits - at least not this version of the age-old folk tale.
In her interview with Entertainment Weekly for our new cover story, she said she doesn't think the criticism fits - at least not this version of the age-old folk tale.