I'd like a job working with old folk or kids.
This song is based on an old folk tune.
This idiom comes from a old folk song.
Yet America’s prisons are crammed with old folk.
She composed a quartet out of the old folk song.
But he wanted to see the old folk again and to visit my mother's grave.
Cats relaxed when dosed, and nervous old folk became tranquil, with no side effects.
The proposals offer no guarantee that old folk will be able to hang on to their homes.
People in many places are digging up the old folk stories and the messages in them.
That night I thought Pop might enjoy hearing some of the old folk songs we used to sing at home.
An old folk remedy, extract from these dark berries appears to block flu viruses in test tube studies.
Old folk and younghipsters are similarly fond of vinyl and typewriters, and wander about in outsized spectacles.
But Chen Hongyu, a 27-year-old folk singer, seems to have no trouble gaining *adoration and support from music fans.
But Qiao Xiaodao, a 36-year-old folk artist, proves it's all possible in his book The Good Life Doesn't Have to Cost a Fortune.
But more women are going out to work, so fewer of them have time to look after old folk and formal help is becoming increasingly important.
New Year pictures is our country's an old folk art, reflect the people's simple customs and beliefs, entrusts they hope for the future.
Recently, Ariel was mocked endlessly by her own mommy and brother for acting more and more like an "old folk". I gladly accept this moniker!
This is not your grandfather's Snow White. Melisa went back to the 500 year old folk tale and put in some of the things that were missing from Walt Disney's film.
His budget also chops at Medicare, the government's health plan for the old, cutting payments to providers and making richer old folk pay higher insurance premiums.
Old folk legend floral food dishes are birthdays, folklorists to do this is the worship of the ancient crop performance, before liberation Jiaxing have this custom.
In her interview with Entertainment Weekly for our new cover story, she said she doesn't think the criticism fits - at least not this version of the age-old folk tale.
Old folk back from vagrancy form an image_group in the localistic novels of the new period. Though only secondary in the stories, they have distinctive values of their own.
Basically, an old folk needs a phone that has very simple features, treating it as very basic communication device that helps to keep close contact with his family and friends.
It is perfectly possible to frame a law that allows suffering people who are close to death to die quickly and peacefully, if they wish, without declaring open season on old folk.
"Shibuxianlianhualuo" (a singing form accompanied by music on ten percussion instruments) is an old folk art form, which is generally performed before a comic dialogue to attract attention.
"Shibuxianlianhualuo" (a singing form accompanied by music on ten percussion instruments) is an old folk art form, which is generally performed before a comic dialogue to attract attention.