Together, the old master and the young beginner changed an embarrassing situation into a wonderfully creative experience.
The show is not all trompe l’oeil: there are a handful of old master paintings too.
Something my old master-at-arms told me. 'Never go to battle naked, lad, ' he said.
An instrument made by an old master can now be copied in every detail-except for the sound.
An old master said: this is his staff in recent years experienced the worst food companies!
An instrument made by an old master can now be copied in every detail -except for the sound.
He transformed back into a rat and went searching desperately for his old master, Voldermort.
Sotheby's, which has the larger share of the Old Master market, saw a bigger year-on-year fall: 36%.
When the Sith rose to power, Bandon rejected his old Master and fled to the Sith Academy on Korriban.
"Yes, my friend," returned the count; "and I will endeavor to give you no cause to regret your old master."
Not only had many Jedi died on Geonosis, but the very nature of death itself was now unclear to the wise old master.
In this article I'll explore the concept of the master Technician, the current incarnation of the old master craftsman.
In addition to the museum's Old Master paintings, there is a suite of royal apartments as they looked in the 19th century.
Together, the old master and the young novice transformed a frightening situation into a wonderfully creative experience .
This product has many years of production by the careful inspection of the production from the old master, and fine craft.
The old master even invited him over to his house, where Jackson taught the moonwalk to him and his choreographer Hermes Pan.
They joined families because they have the same surname and their granDfather was an official in the same place as our old master.
Even he was surprised to watch the video and see just how many layers Wilkinson went through, which was more like an Old Master painting.
"Earthsea's" backgrounds look like they've been drawn by English landscape artists, the skies could be canvases of a Dutch Old Master.
An authentic old master painting from the 17th century may be a timeless masterpiece, but if it has never been sold, it has no money value.
The gallery's glory days came in the late 19th century when Otto Gutekunst became its director and moved the firm into Old Master paintings.
'Think simple' as my old master used to say - meaning reduce the whole of its parts into the simplest of terms, getting back to first principles.
思考简洁- - - - - -就像我的老师所说的那样:简洁意味着最简明的条件,回归最初的原则。
However, there has been controversy over the choice of Lei Yixin, a 57-year-old master sculptor from Changsha in Hunan province, to carry out the work.
However, there has been controversy over the choice of Lei Yixin, a 57-year-old master sculptor from Changsha in Hunan province, to carry out the work.