It's a set of images that couldn't be more foreign or more alien to the prophetic mode of the old testament prophets.
The Old Testament prophet had said, "All flesh is grass." It is an important verse for the new dispensation of Christianity.
This Hebraic understanding of the name passes from the Old Testament into the New.
We don't have a Canon even of the Old Testament, much less of the New Testament yet.
And what he did for the Old Testament saints he will do for believers throughout all ages.
Milton wants to be a divine prophet like one of the great Hebrew poets of the Old Testament.
He also told this to everyone from Abraham in the old Testament to Zacharias in the New Testament.
He did that sort of thing; it's called the Hexapla because it had six columns of the Old Testament.
Why - Because the Old Testament ceremony or Law forbids any eunuch from going to the presence of God.
Even the writers of the New Testament books quote from several Greek translations of the Old Testament.
Painstakingly he taught himself chariot-racing, sketching (for Michelangelo) and long tracts of the Old Testament.
He is like an Old Testament prophet amped up with PowerPoint and an army of the world's scientists at his disposal.
The second observation, then, comes as a surprise: This seems to be the most formally crafted book in the Old Testament.
The dramatic parting of the Red Sea for the Israelites is perhaps the most spectacular miracle described in the Old Testament.
The notion of "an eye for an eye" is usually cited or held up as typical of the harsh and cruel standards of the vengeful Old Testament God.
Though the term itself was coined in the sixties, we can find examples of intertextuality going as far back as the Greek myths and the Old Testament.
Abel is not mentioned in the Old Testament except in Genesis 4. St. Augustine makes him as one who loves ideas of justification, and Cain a man of nature.
Abel is not mentioned in the Old Testament except in Genesis 4. St. Augustine makes him as one who loves ideas of justification, and Cain a man of nature.